- Yarn studies /names #twilightzone
- Yarn tries to decide who has the leetest nick
<@splidge[dnd]> me
<@splidge[dnd]> I have the leetest nick
<@Yarn> 3rd place: qoreQ
<@jewel> you have the sheepest nick
<@jewel> (haha)
<@Yarn> 2nd place: splidge
<@Henrik> jewel, :-D
<@splidge[dnd]> \o/
<@Yarn> 1st place: froo
<@Yarn> I just love the sound
froo said on Wednesday 26 June 2002
JM said on Sunday 16 March 2003
Diablo said on Sunday 13 April 2003
FRedDy[P_Child] said on Friday 24 October 2003
Munk3N said on Thursday 20 January 2005