[09:26] qoreQ: to quote Nm
[09:26] qoreQ: damned i am so handsome
[09:27] Nm: when did i say that? :P
[09:27] qoreQ: Nm, on the staffpage
[09:27] Nm: oh
[09:27] * Nm never noticed.
[09:29] qoreQ: rofl
[09:29] qoreQ: dude
[09:29] qoreQ: go put "damned i am so handsome" into google
[09:30] Nm: :D
[09:31] qoreQ: lol
[09:31] qoreQ: that's funny shit
JaSt said on Wednesday 06 November 2002
lou said on Sunday 10 November 2002
DarkWarrior^ said on Wednesday 13 November 2002