And yet another nice page. I\'m wondering however if countries are based on the tld or on a actual ip-to-country lookup?
soczol said on Thursday 22 September 2005
:O Poland isin first 20-s, but still sometimes we are banned on some channels (*!*@* :
blantek said on Monday 26 September 2005
Uses a GeoIP db, not tld.
slug said on Wednesday 28 September 2005
Loving these pages you\'re making. Would be nice if was given a face lift, xhtml+css that validates. With some of these tools. Good job man.
subliminal- said on Monday 17 October 2005
very intelligent i wanted to know that since a long time :)
Navi said on Wednesday 21 September 2005
soczol said on Thursday 22 September 2005
blantek said on Monday 26 September 2005
slug said on Wednesday 28 September 2005
subliminal- said on Monday 17 October 2005
Nakaori said on Thursday 08 June 2006