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I've lost my password!

The only way to recover the password for your Q account is to use the REQUESTPASSWORD feature. This will send the password of any account associated with the provided email address to that email address. The email address is the same as when the account was created, unless you have changed it using the EMAIL command.


  • You MUST have a valid email address set (before you lost the password).
  • You must remember what email address you registered with your username.

How to retrieve your password:

Type /msg Q REQUESTPASSWORD user@host.com to have Q send the password linked to the specified email address.

Operators will not recover a Q account password. If you have forgotten your password and do not know your email address, then you will have to create a new Q account and have all your flags restored by the various channel owners.

If you are the only owner on a channel, and you can not recover your password by using the REQUESTPASSWORD command, you will need to wait until the previous owner account expires (after 180 days), and then have someone with master or op flags use the REQUESTOWNER command.

These will allow you to recover access to your channel, and are the only way. We do not recover lost/inaccessible accounts or the flags on them.

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/13

Other help articles under General Help