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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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L Request problems

Posted by cro on Thursday 09 May 2002

We have seen a rise in the number of people complaining that they are channel owners and did not request L for a particular channel. Here are the requirements for L:

  • You are opped in the channel
  • There are at least three other ops in the channel
  • You are listed as one of the top-5 ops in the channel by Chanfix

Now, a Top-5 op means that you are one of the people that has been an op in the channel for the longest time. This is worked out on your nickname and hostmask combination, or your Q Auth. You get one point for every 5 minutes you are an op in a channel, and this is accumulated over time.

If you are NOT one of the top-5 opers as recorded automatically by Chanfix, then you cannot request L in a channel even if you are opped.

It needs to be noted that chanfix does not care about clan or channel politics, it only records who has ops in the channel, and the person who is opped the longest has the greatest control over the channel, and is considered the channel owner.

You cannot be moved up the chanfix list by an oper.

So, the ONLY way L can be requested for a particular channel is by someone who (a) is one of the five most common ops in the channel, (b) has three other people also opped in the channel and (c) is opped at the time of the request.

For new channels, you must have been opped for a minimum of two hours.

If you receive any message about not being in the top-5 ops in a channel, or not having a high enough score, coming into #feds will not get you L.

Please log in to post comments.

stevem said on Wednesday 22 May 2002

That don\'t work really... The 3 ops in a channel requirement don\'t work.

Flopper said on Thursday 23 May 2002

yeah. i\'ve been opped in a new channel for 3 hours, got 3 other ops in there and it still tells me my score is not high enough

|sonic said on Thursday 23 May 2002

greedz to the whole quakenet and especially to my friend KolMar ;> thx for removing q... L rox all ya ;> visit #mainz =)

mz|playaone said on Thursday 23 May 2002

L is giving op to a random user......min. once a week....it suxx :(

jayg2k1 said on Friday 24 May 2002

and we are waitin for L since yesterday: \"Scoretoo low. Either the channel is too new, or you are not a well enough known op\" is it not enough to be 24 hours in the channel with op???

jayg2k1 said on Saturday 25 May 2002

hmm I have w8 for 3 hr now =/ and I are on top 5 i are nr 2 why cant i reqest ????

Tyrion^ said on Thursday 01 August 2002

i have a little prob, too. we got L in our channel, but i dint know how the get the owner of the channel. i tried the commands /msg L adduser #channelname membername and /msg chanlev #channelname membername agmnov but i doesnt help.

Holysucker said on Friday 02 August 2002

well waited 9 hours plus and still to low does this thing work at all Hello is there anyone here arr poo

MrBlood said on Wednesday 23 October 2002

I have 7 person in my channel (5 ops). I have been there atleast 5 hours. and all the ops atleast that 2 hours. And still \"score too low, either enough well known op.. plaa plaa..

Tampzu said on Saturday 26 October 2002

i have waited in the new chan for 3hours now and it sayes that score too low or something...your system suck... why cant i get the l i have 3 other users in the chan and plenty of othern and i was the 1 person in the chan

GroH said on Saturday 02 November 2002

I have been waiting over 2 hours for L and is still says score is to low >:(

Bombardment said on Wednesday 04 December 2002

Well I seem to have the same problem. Its gives that score to low message - but its impossible =)

kilotronic said on Thursday 26 December 2002

Score too low, either .... ARGH!!! I waited for several hours 2, but still my score apparenly sux :( - We were also 5 ops at all time

Lahnkiller said on Tuesday 04 March 2003

I in op in top-5 ops and it still says I got to few points. indeed this L points thing doesn\'t work right is there any site where we can see our points to verify if they could be correct? thanks for your time ... and mine :s

JRGReptile said on Thursday 03 April 2003


Haxorgen said on Sunday 02 November 2003


ChUp4 said on Monday 17 November 2003

i\'ve been oped wello over 12 hours adn it says my channgle has no recognized ops. i\'ve already authed with q long time ago. wtf?

jungle said on Wednesday 24 December 2003

I\'ve been op for a good time and have the requirements, yet still says low score. Help if possible.

wepz said on Saturday 27 December 2003

i\'ve got the same muh-problem

simson said on Monday 26 January 2004

the system sucks! i wait over 2 hours and have enough visitors and ops but I can\'t get L ! why?

hai87 said on Monday 12 April 2004

i have been op for ages, but when i reguest L it says either channel does not exist or there is no recognised op in the channel... pls help :(

riddla2 said on Friday 30 April 2004

i have the same problem! i\'m waiting since 4 hours!

cheentsafter said on Sunday 09 May 2004

in channel for 5 hours or so. 3 ops and it still says score is to low.

suntzu said on Thursday 17 March 2005

ive had 10 idlers for 4 hours and my score is always too low. i went to #help and got treated like i was retarded for wanting some \'help\' with this. apparently im not the only one that isnt having this problem. should change the name from #help to #snob-assholes imo

PaleHorse said on Friday 29 April 2005

Try again later. You do not meet the requirements to request L. You may need to wait longer (see http://www.quakenet.org/faq/faq.php?c=3&f;=112 ) pfffff

dsteah-brdd said on Friday 01 July 2005

How do you find out if your top 5?? Is there a webpage

DementedMan- said on Friday 02 September 2005