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port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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New L Command

Posted by specceh on Thursday 06 June 2002

A new command has been added to the L service. /MSG L RECOVER <#channel> will run the DEOPALL, UNBANALL and CLEARCHAN commands on your channel and is a quick way to recover from a hostile takeover of an L protected channel. Read more in the L FAQ.

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-> *l* recover <#channel> -L- Done. *** lightweight.quakenet.org sets mode: +b-b *!*@* *!*@* -L- Done. *** L sets mode: -k -L- Done. *** operserv.quakenet.org sets mode: -o Nr|Five *** operserv.quakenet.org sets mode: +o L Looks good, but does it ban everyone out the channel? /me thought L was lightweight :/, Anyways it looks good imho. Nice work guys.

Nr|Five said on Thursday 06 June 2002

That wildcard ban is taking advantage of a feature of the ircd that removes overlapping bans. So +b *!*@* replaces all existing bans and then -b *!*@* removes that ban. All bans removed with 2 mode changes :) now thats lightweight!

specceh said on Thursday 06 June 2002

great :) Is this being added to Q allso?

kjuze said on Friday 07 June 2002

You have to be reeeeally stupid if you try to takeover a channel which has L ;)

nec_lepre said on Friday 07 June 2002

it does happen, though they are mostly takeovers designed to upset people rather than keep the channel.

specceh said on Friday 07 June 2002

didn\'t L have a command a bit like that before??

ziclow^ said on Friday 07 June 2002

We love you Specceh =) gg on Q net and everything //RaDaR^

S-M|Raider said on Friday 07 June 2002

it would be great if you also add something like protecting ops to L.

halloichbined said on Friday 07 June 2002

I miss a ban option in L or a Topic protection, but L is gread work! n!ce

MkCIBlackDeATH said on Friday 07 June 2002

\"I miss a ban option in L or a Topic protection, but L is gread work! n!ce\" It\'s called lightweight, so not many features... If you want that features take Q

Da_BuTcHA said on Friday 07 June 2002

I still dont understand what all the fuss is about. look guys Q isnt a status symbol why do you want Q anyway, when L will suffice? etc. just because it doesnt have a ban function awww you should try banning people with /mode #channel -o+b <*!*ident@*.isp.co.uk> never had a problem with that type of ban. congrats on L guys

RiderPatrol said on Friday 07 June 2002

nice one opers :)

spirit_ds said on Saturday 08 June 2002

nice work.... i mean this is easier for noobs... thx @ quakenet!

cellsoldier said on Saturday 08 June 2002

Hee, gg :)

refic said on Saturday 08 June 2002

I don\'t think this is a very usefull function because it\'s only binding three things. And Rash, if ya want to be protected, just make a simple script wich asked L for op when you got deopped! btw, I love L!

Kr3L1S said on Saturday 08 June 2002

This new command is good but I still keep waiting for a command to ban takeover guy like Q has :/

araber said on Saturday 08 June 2002

way to go

anzuhan said on Saturday 08 June 2002

L is just as good as Q, you can ban people manually, and warn other ops not to remove any bans that aren\'t theirs...that way, you can control a channel easily, and if its not a clan channel but a personal one, who can be bothered to get 25 ppl to idle, make a webpage for the \"clan\" etc....much easier this way, and just as effective IMO...wp QuakeNet!

Gav said on Saturday 08 June 2002

#15 Not all changes are huge :) The point is it simplifies the process to one command only, and does them together. Entering all three commands is slow and if you forget to deopall first then the person holding the channel has time to counter clearchan or unbanall as the next command is being typed. The change was made directly in response to reports we hear in #feds

specceh said on Sunday 09 June 2002

yeah....i think the command is good...help us saving time in case there is a stupid guy who makes tk. Good job. (btw..i like L better then Q 2) ..:-)

strabu said on Monday 10 June 2002

How can I make such a script ?

halloichbined said on Wednesday 12 June 2002

imo L does its job, it does the basics which are needed and its sure shutdown alot of eggdrop channels :)

ded said on Wednesday 12 June 2002

erm why u guys do not just putt whole Q script in it :p there commes evrey time new commands. it\'s almost (if it go\'s like this) just like Q :)

shakymast said on Wednesday 12 June 2002

I thought clearchan also removed bans...

HolgerK said on Friday 14 June 2002

use unbanall :p clearchan are only the modes eg. Limet Key invite

shakymast said on Friday 14 June 2002

I cant add L ! :=( :=(

Geekz-MunXen said on Sunday 16 June 2002

Well, this definitely is good feature.. I\'ve got enough of unbanning, deopping and clearing channels when they\'ve been takovered. I\'d just hope that ban feature would come to L too.. I understand that L is lightweight, but anyway.. I don\'t think that trying to get Q to channels, only because of ban feature is a good idea..

BobaMa said on Wednesday 19 June 2002

I have a prob;( i dont get L in my chan #ClanNet please any Server/ircops join the chan and help me.My nick is SirSpiFF ;)

SirSpiFF said on Thursday 20 June 2002

lol read the faq U n00b :x

Skiver said on Friday 21 June 2002

I can\'t add L

LILL_TIMMY said on Thursday 05 December 2002

the channel #loos has been tookover by a fuckin newb. The L has left the channel because we were asking for a Q and a faker has taken the nickname of an operator. Please unban all and send L on #loos.

Er|cDrAvEn said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

wow ! cool

DK-BeeR said on Tuesday 30 September 2003