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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Q Account changes

Posted by Flash on Monday 10 June 2002

Due to an increased number of problems with Q Account passwords, we will soon implement a feature in Q that will cause all accounts with no e-mail set to be locked out. You can set an e-mail using "/msg Q email email@host.com email@host.com" and this will be used to retrieve your password, should you lose it. Please note that operators will NOT retrieve your password for you.

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very good idea :)

HH^onix said on Monday 10 June 2002

I C QuakeNet has problems with controling all the Q accounts and Q\'s in channels? :( I respect all the new features and new Q request requirments, but you removed my Q from a clan channel of me, that\'s realy not cool! We were hybernating for a month and the channel was not joined for about a week, friday I joined it again and Q was gone!

[WfH]XeNTiX said on Monday 10 June 2002

Not few ppl on #help asking for that. I think this was a good decision, gj

chef^ said on Monday 10 June 2002

#2 you should send the details to info@quakenet.org, including the channel name. Q will not be removed from a channel simply because it is empty for a week, it takes 40days for a Q channel to expire.

specceh said on Monday 10 June 2002

Hehe thousands of newbs will loose their Q accounts and not only those :o I don\'t know what i should think about that so i say nothing :D

nightliner said on Monday 10 June 2002

what about if the only channel owner will loose his account...then what?

anzuhan said on Monday 10 June 2002

The accounts will not really be locked for ever. You will be able to enable them again by entering your email. We are gonna broadcast about this for a few days.

quas said on Monday 10 June 2002

Very good idea, and no problem for me, i\'ve set my email adres directly after i created my account. You never know...

acid-storm said on Monday 10 June 2002

lol, this is too embaressing,..all these dumbasses who \"lost\" their pw´s should have taken password which they do remember every fuckin time. otherwise these ppl shouldn´t use any kind of account!! and of course..all n00bs will loose their accounts..i don´t think ,taht this idea is that good,..but unfortunately neccesary

d33pTh0ugHT said on Monday 10 June 2002

I think that the Q requirements are to hard. And it´s unfair that old channels whích never had 25 Persons in their Channel, may keep Q. In my Oppinion it´s bullshit! But I can´t do anything against it, am I right? Greetz

|VK|Thalos said on Tuesday 11 June 2002

CheF Lives at \"Nordstrand.\" Thats why he is so positive to the changes..:p

Etc3trA said on Tuesday 11 June 2002

={Thalos|TbS}=: You could probably get L instead.

[dei]Quid said on Tuesday 11 June 2002

But L hasn´t the features which I need! L sux .... a bit ....

|VK|Thalos said on Tuesday 11 June 2002

You can easily set up some kind of bot. An eggdrop or dancer implementing the features you need. What kind of features do you need besides that?

razor said on Tuesday 11 June 2002

very good idea !!!

[lw]hEx said on Wednesday 12 June 2002

well, L has \"recover\", that\'s quite QL..

TBR-Predator said on Wednesday 12 June 2002

Etc3trA: you have a serious problem;>

chef^ said on Wednesday 12 June 2002

Good idea!!!

[HYP]Zeus said on Thursday 13 June 2002

lol good idea

spirit_ds said on Thursday 13 June 2002

Why are the comments in here about L?

HolgerK said on Friday 14 June 2002

What about People with a Bouncer ? They can not change their email addy! ....or im too stupid ? :)

sf^daddy said on Friday 14 June 2002

you are ;) you just edit the email which is saved in q-database with: /msg q email mfg Revo

Revolutio said on Friday 14 June 2002

ah kewl a server form NL is it allowed to smoke wheet @ this server? :D

GML]AS[Spirit said on Sunday 16 June 2002

Thx @ Revo . I said i\'m to stupid ;D

sf^daddy said on Monday 17 June 2002

Spirit: guess you have allready, cuz you\'re answering the wrong post...

chef^ said on Monday 17 June 2002

just wanted to say moo

scrooge said on Wednesday 19 June 2002

Nice feature indeed, luckily I added my email already when I created my account.. I\'d think that many useless accounts will be gone after this..

BobaMa said on Wednesday 19 June 2002