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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Feature added to L

Posted by Flash on Monday 22 July 2002

We have added a new feature to L that allows the owners of private channels to secure their channel more effectively. This is done by forcing channel mode +i (invite only), requiring an 'INVITE' to be issued to gain access to the channel. For more information on how to gain an invite from L and how to enable this new feature please read the relevant L FAQ items.

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If you add many more features it won\'t be lightweight :p

steve said on Monday 22 July 2002

The features does not take up any extra Ram (uses a bit in the allready existing chanflag structure) and the only \'expensive\' call thats made in the parsing of the extra modes is a lookup of the channel based on the channelname which is very fast (O(1) amortised). We\'re very carefull whenever adding features to L that we do not make it too heavy. Small note: L currently uses 50MB Ram and allmost no cpu (0.00% on a PIII-550) with 200k registered users and 50k channels. Im satisfied with that

Bigfoot said on Monday 22 July 2002

And how much resources does Q take?

Nakke said on Monday 22 July 2002

Nice Bigfoot. I think that Q is somewhere around 400-500mb ram.

|vk|sorcer said on Monday 22 July 2002

Nice feature. Will this be added to Q aswel?

wiebe said on Monday 22 July 2002

nice feature, though i won\'t need it. #5: reread the Q requirements.

JaSt said on Monday 22 July 2002

Q uses about 300MB Ram itself. On top of that comes the mysql database which takes about 150MB. So totally about 450MB. Q has the same amount of registered users as L (they share users) but only sits on 25k channels (half of what L sits on).

Bigfoot said on Tuesday 23 July 2002

There are 41971 users and 26901 invisible on 49 servers 74 operator(s) online 2 unknown connection(s) 92864 channels formed ---- in 75000 channls, L or Q is in. what channeltypes are the other 17000 channels ? why don\'t they need L ?

DrSchnagels said on Tuesday 23 July 2002

#8: I guess, people who don\'t know about Q/L, #nickname channels, testing channels or other temporary channels. Looking at the netsplit.de stats, you can easily see that QuakeNet has far more channels than users (which is not true for most other bigger IRC networks).

JaSt said on Tuesday 23 July 2002

make a feature which an onwer can all clear the user-flags and only owners are protected :o) greetz

dEslipper said on Wednesday 24 July 2002

#10: if you use mIRC there\'s a script on http://help.quakenet.org/index.php?page=hosted that you can use, search for clearchanlev

Zip said on Thursday 25 July 2002

what are the specs of the machine Q runs on then since you already posted the specs of the machine L runs on

Elite` said on Friday 26 July 2002


Sejad_Ramic said on Sunday 28 July 2002

totally useless. i want a ban feature ;P

nightliner said on Friday 02 August 2002


Softis said on Tuesday 06 August 2002

good.. add all Q features to L and.. :)

Mixu4 said on Wednesday 14 August 2002

humm... how to get rid of the invite only modus (-i) without beeing in the channel ? =)

H4NN12K405 said on Thursday 15 August 2002

pld ;x

tmS^ said on Saturday 24 August 2002

hmmm... my channel waz set on invite-only by default suddenly?? no one could get in before i saw the way the get rid of it in the faq for L Is that the way things change here??

GWJGetRight said on Friday 18 July 2003