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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Enforcing protect op (+p) mode in new Q channels now

Posted by Flash on Wednesday 04 September 2002

Following the recent spate of "takeovers" with stolen accounts Q has been changed to set the +p (protect op) chanflag in every newly added Q channel. With +p (/msg Q chanflags #chan +p) set, Q will prevent people with +o flag from being deoped but it WILL NOT prevent them from being kicked/banned. There are good scripts for mIRC or other IRC clients which will just do that though.

We advise every channel master or owner to set +p in their channel, make their mates use good (!) Q passwords and to install a good channel protection script.

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oh goodie! :)

iLL3r said on Wednesday 04 September 2002

n1 ;)

Tankred said on Wednesday 04 September 2002

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Specceh said on Wednesday 04 September 2002

am i wrong or is this an old flag?? i remember to see this feature before..

FRQ|BuLcHai said on Wednesday 04 September 2002

Isnt it \"/msg Q chanflags #chan +p\" and not \"/msg Q chanflag #chan +p\" as Faile would have us believe?

SuperNoodle said on Wednesday 04 September 2002

oh he changed it.. *sniff*

SuperNoodle said on Wednesday 04 September 2002

#4: It\'s an old flag, but it is set as standard now. That\'s the only difference.

CheF^ said on Thursday 05 September 2002

What if you also activated that for L chanels?

Cadoc said on Thursday 05 September 2002

Very old feature ...

Sisko` said on Thursday 05 September 2002

i recommend to disable all chanmodes like op,deop,kick or ban because they might be abused and newbies can\'t handle it. best would be to disable everything but plane chatting to make quakenet the best moron-safe place on earth

blash2003 said on Thursday 05 September 2002

that would enable all people to flood everything, which a default +p with Q doesn\'t. :)

JaSt said on Thursday 05 September 2002

No mIRC script, as great of a client as it is, can prevent you from getting kicked, and as for ban protection scripts (which can neither offer 100% protection), normally they are considered war scripts since usually a ban is set for a good reason. #Help.script will not assist with war scripts.

Juzam said on Thursday 05 September 2002

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|BTF|PleXzel said on Friday 06 September 2002

One thing that strikes me is why should ban protection scripts be used? I mean. If a person behaves badly and has to be banned. Why in heck did he have ops in the first place? Normally a sane person only give ops to people he/she knows and trust.. If everyone was thinking like that alot of troubles (and #feds work for me:)) could be avoided.

Softis said on Friday 06 September 2002

I cant se what it will help with Q accounts being stolen ? If u put on a chanflag your q account will not be stolen or am i wrong?

mAz^ said on Friday 06 September 2002

You have to set a good password to be sure that nobody can steal your Q account. The chanflag +p will just reop the users with +o in the chanlev.

illusion` said on Saturday 07 September 2002

#15 I agree and I did mention this when +p was being discussed. Getting access to Q auths is usually about stripping the channel of chanlevs or moving the +n accounts into a holding account, not about just getting ops. Still +p will help new Q users to protect themselves, although if they are that new it is likely their clan is only entitled to L anyway!

Specceh said on Saturday 07 September 2002

tobad this feature is not enabled for small L typed channels :(

tKD||EDG3 said on Saturday 07 September 2002

i have to agree with #10. you cant stop people from being stupid. one other \"script-solution\" comes to my mind though: how about the +m or +n guy automatically removes someones +ao and deops nim when he deops 2 or 3 trusted people at the same time? trusted people should then be all users with +ao in that chan.

Flash said on Sunday 08 September 2002

hm a good password... one question is it possible to hack Q-accounts? the best password wouldn\'t protect me and the chan

[TkkG]-Killerfu said on Monday 09 September 2002

#20: as long as you keep your password secret, no one can mess with your account.

JaSt said on Monday 09 September 2002

I agree with myself, and that\'s it.

stevoo said on Tuesday 10 September 2002

it says cant find that channel how come its channel #shrimpwarsthegamers

Doktergreenthum said on Wednesday 11 September 2002

Kinda old news ? Well my first post.. Weee

Quak|DK said on Wednesday 11 September 2002

It\'s possible to get a new Q? The Rules might be too hard for the Q*Net Stuff themselve! :D It\'s just like \"grrrr\"...

hetzy said on Thursday 12 September 2002

hehe, i thank mortal Teamwork for this revolution :D

rdm`b00m said on Friday 13 September 2002

I don\'t see a higher usefulness for +p: on *:DEOP:#:{ if ($me isin $opnick) && ($me !isin $nick) && (Q ison $chan) { /msg q op $chan } elseif ($me isin $opnick) && ($me !isin $nick) && (L ison $chan) { /msg l op $chan } } *carp* :>

nightliner said on Monday 16 September 2002

its working but i think a ban/kick protection (only for owners & masters) is more usefully.

SirOrgin|HFD said on Wednesday 18 September 2002

Where is this c00l mode now? :(

zipnix said on Friday 31 October 2003

Sorry for bump.

spaps said on Friday 02 April 2010