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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New Trust FAQ

Posted by cro on Tuesday 01 October 2002

We have been updating the FAQs about QuakeNet and Trusted hosts, and have placed all the information into its own FAQ section rather than as part of the General FAQ. Please make sure you read all the information in this FAQ before contacting QuakeNet regarding a trust or a clone gline.

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The Faq is nice! Well done.

Cfreak202 said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

Yes very good FAQ, I hope they will read it ;)

illusion` said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

Shame that the new Trust idea is a bit shite.

TheDevil said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

erm, the new trusts rules is one BIG step backwards. Making it difficult to have a trust will mean less users to qner, in turn your digging yourself a hole. The ISP thing is possibily the worst rule.

James[UH] said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

The goal at QuakeNet is not to have the highest usercount at any cost, much rather to provide the highest quality of service for what users we do have. We believe that these new trust regulations are the means to that end.

Deckard said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

The problem is a number of so called ISPs are taking advantage of QuakeNet. It costs a huge amount to keep running, and BNC providers cause a lot of problems and make up 75% or more of mails to the info@quakenet address. This makes it difficult for other important things to get handled quickly.

Yarn said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

Afaik the rules regarding trusts haven\'t changed. The FAQ is just telling the state as they allways were.... You may correct me if i\'m wrong....

Tankred said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

Not entirely. Before, under the old system, trusts were pretty much granted to anyone with a static connection and no instances of abuse in their history. Unless we had reason to be suspicious, or our better judgement told us otherwise, a trust could be added for the user. Also under the new system, we no longer accept trusts that would require a long-term commitment on our behalf to hosts that do not reflect serious intent, eg) ISP hosts for bouncers. These hosts can still be trusted for LANs.

Deckard said on Tuesday 01 October 2002

I guess nobody was thinking about the students whose networks are firewalled for security reasons and aren\'t able to use normal irc programs. Most of us depended on CGI:IRC but now are completely locked out :(

adnans said on Wednesday 02 October 2002

The problem with CGI::IRC scripts is that they are almost always abused eventually. If one were set up so that it could only be logged into by a known user/password combination, and that it would set the ident to that user, and also give the IP address of the user in the realname field, we\'d consider it.

Yarn said on Wednesday 02 October 2002

you can\'t really validate that the setup does everything you want though... :)

JaSt said on Wednesday 02 October 2002

\"Most of us depended on CGI:IRC but now are completely locked out\" Yes, we were thinking of those people, and we have taken steps to cater for Universities and Schools. However, we will not allow anonymous users on to QuakeNet, and CGI:IRC is fundamentally flawed and insecure. It can be - and has been - used for flood attacks, for clone attacks, for faking of users, and for stealing Q auth accounts. So we block them to protect the majority of users from the minority of malicious users.

cro said on Friday 04 October 2002

Nice FAQ! I hope users will read this, so #feds can handle bigger probs! k, nough jokes for now I cant understand why generic hostnames are not allowed. I already asked that in #feds 1 month ago...but i didnt get a answer i have my own server, i have a static ip i dont see any prob this really sux

Meltdown said on Friday 04 October 2002

If you have a static IP it\'s not a generic hostname...

cro said on Friday 04 October 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Meltdown said on Monday 07 October 2002

Yes, and if it\'s a static IP you can get a custom DNS entry made on a domain name you own... The restriction on \"generic\" hostnames will remain. if you don\'t like it, then I suggest you look elsewhere.

cro said on Tuesday 08 October 2002

As far as I know about the danish rules that is not true. Not all (Danish) ISP\'s allow hostchange though it is a static IP. Some do it for free, others charge their users. But still, if it is the only way you can be sure, that it is static - so it must be...

i|Avatar said on Sunday 13 October 2002


Hess- said on Wednesday 16 October 2002

well go for it! =)

Ziclow^ said on Tuesday 22 October 2002

Well my IP is static and I own several domains, however my ISP says in their policy that they won\'t add any dns-records for their users, what to do with this new policy? Or do you mean with #16 that it\'s enough to make a forward DNS: \"..and if it\'s a static IP you can get a custom DNS entry made on a domain name you own..\". Or do I still need to have the reverse dns pointing at the domain aswell?

MrFrenzy said on Tuesday 22 October 2002

It is very nice!

Kazaa- said on Wednesday 23 October 2002

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M4STER said on Wednesday 23 October 2002

You say \"Trusts require a unique userident for each user, as we allow the maximum of 5 connections per userident.\" What if i have a shell account on some wierd server, and i want to host bot? Does it mean i only can run 5 bots, because of the identd? Just asking.

BeBoo^ADMIN said on Thursday 24 October 2002

#23 BeBoo^ADMIN: that is correct Can some oper please answer my question #20?

MrFrenzy said on Friday 25 October 2002

Maybe I should clarify myself a bit. If I point the doman myshell.com at my ip An nslookup of myshell.com would return However, a reverse nslookup of would still return as-2.3.99.my.isp.se because my ISP won\'t ever add reverse dns-entries for their users. Is there any way I can get a trust under these conditions? I think #17 is talking about the same thing....

MrFrenzy said on Friday 25 October 2002

Well perhaps Quakenet could setup a cgi:irc server with the meaning u can only get connected to quakenet if you enter ure Q account ( username + password ). Students would be able to login then, the user ammount would be larger and the security issue is heped since Quakenet herself is taking care of the cgi:irc server. You could add the trusts ureself then, Less chance of things gettin abused. Hope you guys could reconsider the cgi:irc reply by me. I use it aswell, but its hard for me to run it.

Nemike said on Tuesday 29 March 2005