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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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150,000 Users

Posted by cro on Sunday 08 December 2002

QuakeNet hit a peak of more than 151,000 users tonight - that means an extra 50,000 users have joined QuakeNet in the past 3 months.

QuakeNet is now firmly established as the biggest IRC network in the world, with an average of 139,091 users per day, compared with IRCNet's 120,033 daily users.

Update: I got an email from one of the DALNet server admins last night - it seems DALNet's all-time record was a little over 142,000 concurrent users. It now seems that QuakeNet is the first network to reach 150,000 concurrent users. And we're still growing.

Please log in to post comments.
jap n1 first gg

eTp`cs|51 said on Sunday 08 December 2002

OWNAGE! Nice one QuakeNet :-)

steve said on Sunday 08 December 2002

so judging by the current trend, in under three months quakenet will have beaten DALnet\'s all time record... it will be sooner no doubt. congratulations to all the opers and helpers who have made quakenet the happy place it is :)

keot said on Sunday 08 December 2002

Nice, nice... As allways ;o)

Tankred said on Sunday 08 December 2002

Quakenet will be the first one and will beat dalnet and I registerd myself to today and i made an channel

lapd_MaTrIX said on Sunday 08 December 2002

established pls.

raz said on Sunday 08 December 2002

Congratz quakenet :D great great!

Kanarie said on Sunday 08 December 2002

nice one, indeed

RealmHunter said on Sunday 08 December 2002

n1 Quakenet

Mike` said on Sunday 08 December 2002

Nice, as always. Have fun :)

|VK|Sorcer said on Sunday 08 December 2002

Don\'t you already have break the all-time record of channels on an irc-network ? :)

IQS|Krusty said on Monday 09 December 2002

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tissiposki^^ said on Monday 09 December 2002

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tissiposki^^ said on Monday 09 December 2002

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tissiposki^^ said on Monday 09 December 2002

thy shall not advert thy channel here either, tissiposki

cmouse said on Monday 09 December 2002

Nice one. Congratz quakenet

[Stalker] said on Monday 09 December 2002

hm about 2 weeks, then QuakeNet has 160.000 ;)

matu said on Monday 09 December 2002

Really nice to see QuakeNet growing like this. Congratulations and thanks to the opers, who make this all possible for us.

[WfH]XeNTiX said on Monday 09 December 2002

congratz!!! :DDDDDD the past months you were beating the user peak almost everyday :D

ZombiekE said on Monday 09 December 2002

Does that number contain clones?

illusion` said on Monday 09 December 2002

establishment thanks! ;p furthermore.. good job.

raz said on Monday 09 December 2002

go go qnet! i\'ve been with you for about 5 years now, and it keeps getting better. good work everyone! :)

DiG-daX- said on Monday 09 December 2002

Quality survives :-)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Monday 09 December 2002

Weeeee..... :) \\o/

Kickchon said on Monday 09 December 2002

nice! been online for several years @qnet and it grows tremendously. hope we can support qnet with new servers in the future to handle all the load/traffic. thx @ all ops 4 their work. greetz, 4rce | xlhost.de

[server-admin] said on Monday 09 December 2002

weeeeee :D we own

T-Bird said on Monday 09 December 2002

bouncers ownz all!!! ;)

sony- said on Monday 09 December 2002

Congratulations QuakeNET, keep up the good work! :)

Nico| said on Monday 09 December 2002

Nice Qnet, Qnet rules :P

HTP-Hacker said on Monday 09 December 2002

I hope that Quakenet isn\'t killed by it\'s own success.

raphidae said on Monday 09 December 2002

#25, QuakeNet doesn\'t need new servers since the current servers can hold about 250000 users, and with Asuka, each server will be able to hold 4 times as much users.

[WfH]XeNTiX said on Monday 09 December 2002

nice, very nice

Garfield said on Monday 09 December 2002

n1 work, gl & hf 4 the future :)

|neXXus| said on Monday 09 December 2002

n1 that the Qnet is growing so fast! But i ask me why... In the last few weeks the Qnet opers are very strict! In my opinion the gline for the Miss Quaknet contest Channel was very bad... You had to warn them before the gline i think. I hope you will be a lttle bit less strict :| Because anytime the chatting in the Qnet won\'t be n1... Think about that plz greetz Darkness

[KSF|Darkness|] said on Monday 09 December 2002

very n1. remembering times where ircnet had about 100k users more, but they doesnt allow bnc\'s or?

SaD|Psycho said on Monday 09 December 2002

the whole dalnet is like, down.. lots of guys from there.. like me :D

getex said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

Yes n1 one - but more and more user = more and more netsplits i feel :>

BPieper said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

Gna Quakenet is becomming way to serious. I want the times back where this was only a little net, with Q for everyone and some friendly IRCops :) Congratulations

gotisch^CS said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

#38: you can always join another small network, like my one... ;) (address left out intentionally)

JaSt said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

#38 QNet is as fun as you make it :p

Specceh said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaw! quakenet ownZ j00!! best net ever :> and c: NO warez and NO porn. but biggest net. congrats. ur great =)

blun4 said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

wee,imagine a Quakenet WITH ware* and por* -> asuka would be allready maxed out with 250.000 current connections :PPP

blash said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

gj! /me fluffles my favorite QNet

meeps said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

o @ grammer

meeps said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

Quakenet owns :D

[XF]Jugulator said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

Muhar /me is the coolest idler :P Hf Qnet

b-bl4` said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

juhu juhu :P

VeA|Le0n said on Tuesday 10 December 2002

Its not a very accurate figure... Think of all the bnc\'s/eggdrops connected to each server. I bet theres no more than 100,000 ACTUAL client connections.

WdW said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

Still nice one Quakenet - Maybe you should write to The Guiness Book of World Records and get the record listed there :D

WdW said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

3 more months and it\'s 200k. Atleast in theory. =)

Shadow said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

#48 heh... you think its 50.000 bots on qnet? lol... dream on.

inX-Zyrex said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

48: a bouncer is an actual client connection, really.

raz said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

nice @ Q-Net 150000 User\'s is much. I hope the Q-Net is still growing in future so that we can reach 200,000 Users :DD

ebusa|FiRe said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

\\o/ If only the 150,000 users were Quakers and not cs\'ers ;>

bdi-eeatha said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

Go go QuakeNet :DD BTW, what\'s the biggest channel size you\'ve seen? Write here or notice/msg me. ~Shadikka Contacts: Shadikka ShaBot ShadowA ShadowB And just guess where? ;)

Shadikka said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

Well #51 if you watch what number the client rate drops to at night its about 70,000ish +/- some. Id say thats made up of 10,000 people who leave their PC on for whatever reason + night users + eggdrops + _EXTRA_ bnc\'s. Remember the BNC industry has exploded in the last 3 months also.

WdW said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

unfortunately many of the 50 000 are overtakers and other lamers and bouncers :-/ nevertheless congratulations, really great how this network grew

[p3psi]c0l4 said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

if only quakenet would serve no newbs, lamers and cs kiddies, many normal chatters on quakenet would be happier ;-)

valenteen said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

inom 2 år så kommer quakenet nå 1.000.000 gränsen! :)

EKM said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

#55 the biggest i have seen was on 11 sept 2001.. it was an remeber channel or something.. over 4000 people until an op banned the channel.. join/part flood is probably not so good :)

EKM said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

Largest * may * be #savebarrysworld, when the UK\'s most popular game service provider, and Quakenet server provider went bust, I believe it may have hit about 6500 odd. Or is that something else. Generally though, channels such as mTw are usually large, no idea why though :)

Kryten said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

Well, I remember a channel like #guinessworldrecord2003 being VERY large, this was an attempt to break the world record of the largest IRC channel. Also, #worldcup had VERY much users this summer.

[WfH]XeNTiX said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

#55: #valve was also pretty big with about 4600 users when there was a WON Downtime sometime ago...

skater_x said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

yes quakenet own :)

Genetik said on Wednesday 11 December 2002

Well, i thought the overall users of irc are massivly decreasing. But that is good news the more people in QUakenet the more in my channel. Queri me in QUakenet. Name holyhell . I love u all.

holyhell said on Thursday 12 December 2002

weeeeeeeeeeee, nice

[L]-PoDS said on Thursday 12 December 2002


CuRRy said on Thursday 12 December 2002

hooray, tea at my house

roundabout said on Thursday 12 December 2002

n1 n1 :)

TeMpLa said on Thursday 12 December 2002

#pracc.se must be one of the biggest ones with about 1000 users everyday :)

sl33pr said on Thursday 12 December 2002

we even had a large channel for a short time after the April Fool\'s broadcast about oper recruitment :p

Specceh said on Thursday 12 December 2002

coolie =)

Albator^SSX said on Thursday 12 December 2002

I just love it...

chronoss said on Friday 13 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

JM said on Friday 13 December 2002

Erm, sorry. Just testing to see what happend if i posted a comment with 8000 chars. I thought it wouldn\'t be posted. :-/ Anyway, congratz qnet! Keep on growing. :)

JM said on Friday 13 December 2002

Well, its just nice qnet, i hope you all opers and helpers can deal with the preassure, and i sure hope the trust giving out will be up again soon! Its not nice getting a new hostname, and then you cant set yout bots up :\\ Keep going that way Quakenet, i looove you ;)

[PDK]Naz^^^^^^ said on Friday 13 December 2002

I remember someone saying we have a capacity of around 250k on lain, and with asuka, is it increased four-fold. Looks like we\'ll need more servers if we\'re to hit the million ;-)

ChiRho said on Friday 13 December 2002

I remember in 98 –99 when Quakenet was small, that was fun. Anyway, nice work Quakenet hope to see you keep up the user load and the stability.

BJE said on Saturday 14 December 2002

arf :) now all i need is a BNC to keep it up :P

Fr3akskull said on Sunday 15 December 2002

I say w00t. I say m00. and others can eat poo ;)

anzuhan said on Sunday 15 December 2002

wp quakenet :)

Nick said on Sunday 15 December 2002

wow n1 ! quakenet rulZ

Govannon said on Sunday 15 December 2002

number 77: Do the maths. If each server can hold 250,000 people, think how many servers there are. They would need 4 servers, to hold a million people. I\'m sure they have more servers than that, so 1,000,000 clients is no problem with the current configuration. Once Asuka is in place, it\'ll be even easier. *sigh*

Gav said on Monday 16 December 2002

its not 250,000! I believe its more like 10-20k.

Ferg said on Monday 16 December 2002

Uh, really cool.. what\'bout that? Oh yeah, Q-net got 150.000 Users.. yeah and netsplit\'s every week... fantastic.. c\'mon, what\'s the big deal about that.. .Sephiro

[WbC]Sephiroth said on Monday 16 December 2002

W000, nice work... Quakenet just rox :) Qnet is filled with clan :)))

TerrorSheep said on Monday 16 December 2002

#85, before you continue a rampage of crap, a few things to remember. 1.A PC with a 100% uptime record doesn\'t exist, at least not in anyones price range here. 2. Netsplits happen, everywhere. Take a looky at under/ef/irc/dalnet : you\'ve seen nothing until you\'ve seen those split. 3. We have about 50 servers: thats 50 possibilities of a split occuring. So perhaps you should look on the brighter side of things. Netsplits are bad, but we spend more time not split than we have problems.

Kryten said on Monday 16 December 2002

84: there can be 10-20k on a server? i thought it were much more :)

roundabout said on Tuesday 17 December 2002

Calm down, wasn\'t meant to bother you, I just mentioned that it\'s not that important that you\'ve got so many Users - but that\'s just my point of view, got the point?

[WbC]Sephiroth said on Tuesday 17 December 2002

yeah i agree with Sephiro, 150k is not important in itself. whats important is the reason its 150k - qnet is the place of choice for leagues, gaming services and gamers in the EU (and hopefully in the US one day), and that\'s their own personal choice, so thanks for trusting us everyone.

Specceh said on Wednesday 18 December 2002

Now you just need to get your homepage fixed... all that user stuff...

Menkhaf said on Wednesday 18 December 2002

Apologise, Sephiro, didn\'t mean to sound that nasty. No, i quite agree with yourself and Specceh : however I think the point I was trying to get across is that no matter how much we dislike netsplits, there\'s very little we can do to prevent them. Maybe the new IRCD will be more efficient in this manner. Time will tell, and time is on our side.

Kryten said on Wednesday 18 December 2002

Good Job :) Quakenet Owns All over Servers

[BoB]Rimmel said on Wednesday 18 December 2002

GJ opers :) Just hope the US follows the crowd, but everyone know.. they like to have it their way ;)

ToeCutter said on Thursday 19 December 2002

:) \\o/

Tree said on Thursday 19 December 2002

QNet used to be a cool place, a small network where nearly everybody was friends, and nice helpful ircops :) shame it\'s not like that at all any more, but never mind, well done for getting so many users i guess.

Tom said on Thursday 19 December 2002

Uau nothing compares with quakenet it`s so different .... others like undernet bleah to much geeks on them :))) but i hope that that will disepear soon until that have a nice counterstrike gameeeee you gamerzzz:))))))))

[WBK]-Planta said on Friday 20 December 2002

#96: In order to bear with a network growth QuakeNet had and still has to bear with, changes have to made. A lot more load leans on the shoulders of the network staff, but the whole staff is doing its best to do the best for you.

chronoss said on Friday 20 December 2002

I love you Quakenet :) Good work!

PazO said on Friday 20 December 2002

I love us too.

stevoo said on Friday 20 December 2002

Qnet is the best ChatServer @ IRC big n1 one Qnet and IRCcops & Helpers

SkaoS said on Friday 20 December 2002

Dudes! You seriously rock! So does your network! Nice job. :)

Cheezmaster said on Friday 20 December 2002

i love stevoo!

Ferg said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

im er stoned :|?

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

erm wtf am i doin ;| jeez i hate my mates darin me ;(

FeKK0r` said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Your spamming here is more than lame #104 - #124, if you don\'t have a good comment, don\'t post it.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Saturday 21 December 2002

I love both myself and Ferg. We love us.

stevoo said on Saturday 21 December 2002

I guess the gamingscene is growing pretty big. Nice to see internet is more than porn and divx:>

CheF^ said on Saturday 21 December 2002

Dont forget why there are over 151.000 users... I think the most new users are bncs and not more.. But Quakenet is the biggest Network in world! Congatualtion BuRnZ

Burnz2k2 said on Sunday 22 December 2002

Very nice...

SWebber|116th- said on Sunday 22 December 2002

well done

[-multi-] said on Sunday 22 December 2002

Congratulations on the 150.000 users... Can\'t imagine how many people that is ;-) How much bandwidth does it take to support all those people? -Zred

ZrednaZ said on Sunday 22 December 2002

#133: Actually it takes a LOT of bandwith... every server has to have at least a 100MBit/s connection so it can handle all the users. There was a nice column about how many ressources Q and L use some time ago. I suggest you checking it in the columns section. - It\'s just nice that QuakeNet is THAT big... I love it too :)

skater_x said on Monday 23 December 2002

Well it\'s nice.. but i don\'t like big networks, the little quakenet i knew some time ago was nice, also nice ircops who gave trusts like it was candy :oP anyway, n1 & gj..

Dj_RapRap said on Monday 23 December 2002

Really nice work guys. You did an outstanding job with the network. Really nice uptime. And BNC are a client yeah =] And for the bots: there arent so many on Qnet... Again nice work & congratz. Keep it up and ya will hit the 200.000 soon ;)

Hyperstorm said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

Nice, truly nice. Thx 2 all the OPers amd helpers and everyone else that makes QNet the best net ever.

g33ken said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

yeah, qnet is great and all that... but seriously, are u guys ever gonna fix the problems with channel-topics not visible on all servers. thats the one thing that really sux on qnet, and it\'s been around for such a long time. very annoying :((

swiNgah said on Monday 30 December 2002

Yee!!!! Go Qnet... its great to see such a channel like this get so far, i mean they are the best!...apart from some of the Qnet Ops they can be rather rude to new people now and again!

D37oN4tor said on Monday 30 December 2002

What to get some more queue. ill think you need that! 150.000 users and only 15 queue!

Mr_Perk said on Tuesday 31 December 2002


RedOne said on Thursday 02 January 2003

Errrr Well Done even. ;)

RedOne said on Thursday 02 January 2003

Nice one :) ^_^x

[GEM]-HiMuRa said on Friday 03 January 2003

Seems as people like to try out new servers. And Quakenet is really great cause of L and Q, it makes the channels more safer.. Congratulation to all the people who made Quakenet. Really good work!!!

[APE]TheBuG said on Monday 06 January 2003

what about the idea to rename quakenet into counternet? :D

Sergio said on Wednesday 15 January 2003

Quakenet ownz u all =)

SolidSneaker_ said on Tuesday 11 March 2003

jees it would be nice if everyone whould be in the same channel like 150 000 users in one cahnnel, could that be possible?

TaikaJim said on Thursday 12 June 2003