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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Merry Christmas

Posted by Specceh on Tuesday 24 December 2002

From the staff at QuakeNet we wish you a merry, food and drink filled, Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for using our network over the past year and contributing to making it currently the world's biggest IRC network.

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[US]MagicMan said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

*sigh* :)

Specceh said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

yes =) Drinks rulez :)

symMM said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

in teh festive mood ( and starting a new year and i got a bnv and i cant afford to get it g-lined :[ ) can we start a fresh i\'m sorry for all my spam illegal warez (everoy one talks bout \'em )virus (lol joke i dident make ne ) and all those porn i spamemd etc etc etc ( could go on all day and it\'ld be longer than santa\'s beard =[ ) so any way, what i\'m trying to say is im sorry and well hope we can start 2003 off in a good manner :) love you ya all even tho i dont show it at times :D

FeKK0r` said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

cs.radio has been shut down, not such a good time for a lot of people.

WdW said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

merry christmas from me and from my bestist friend \'Roadrunner\' - [beep beep]

meeps said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

Merry christmas guys, it\'s been a fun year (despite some \'hiccups\') - don\'t do anything the operators wouldnt.. (get drunk, laid etc).. jk ofc :P Here\'s to the new year being as good :)

Nick said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

Well, Qnet, you may say merry christmas, but you dont mean it, all you care about is statistics, which youve lost by closing #cs.radio , and to think when i joined Qnet the feds were helpful and fair

[NEO]Sencerd said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

Hey, keep to the subject... this is about love and peace and friendships and, well, merry christmas. :)

JaSt said on Tuesday 24 December 2002

To bad, I dont have afford with food and presents. All money i had went to the phonebill cause i cant disconnect from Q-net. Anyone that knows how to disconnect so my phonebill want be on 1200$? I am on modem if you havent guess that already. And my bitch keeps calling these sex lines all the time =(. If you know how to fix her please tell me or if can fix her by yourself call me, i\'ll give you 100 bucks. Next year i want food and presents under the christmas tree, maybe not food but presents.

[OpTi]Ingerfara said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

w00t - Just opened my stocking ;) Next the big arse mofo pressies :P

James[UH] said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

dammit, not a single quakenet shirt in any of my presents...

keot said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Merry christmas and a happy new year everybody!

XeNTiX said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

I think we could do without christmas, only makes me sad. I just want to say something about the radios, I think the channels are made just to get people in the channel so you can have op over them. Cause there is none whatsoever need for a IRC channel for a radio. You can have all info that\'s needed on the website.

kjuze said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

#14 And how would you get people to visit the website? Telepathy? Or maybe an IRC topic with the URL in it, which then goes to webpage with the server address in it... wait a minute, wouldnt it be easier if the address was in the topic aswell? Saves poeple going onto the website. The reason the cs.radio and other stations are popular is becuase its good entertainment not becuase they want \"op\" over people, only sad people like you think like that.

WdW said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

#14 Also, IRC is the place where people come meet and chat, i could ask the same question you asked, \"why #SK have big channel\" becuase they want power over the people? Or maybe becuase they are popular like the radio stations, no one forces people to idle, its their own choice. I think your idea applies to feds and helpers who want power over people. Sorry but we arent included in your silly equation.

WdW said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Please, leave petty arguments and comments out, and just enjoy the season of goodwill. Have fun, be it chatting on Quakenet or going to a party. Just enjoy yourself and stop thinking of yourself for a while. Merry christmas :)

Kryten said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Aye, merry xmas everyone! I hope you have as good as I am having it. Also, happy new year, and don\'t blow your hands off with those fireworks. You need them to type on QuakeNet! =) /primary

Primary said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

This morning when i opened my first present, i saw some sort of T-Shirt, i was hoping it would be a Quakenet one with a picture of a cow on the front. You could say i was disappointed when i found out it was a \'Plain white t-shirt\'. Oh well, its the thought that counts :)

meeps said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

yeah merry x-mas to whole quakenet =)

blun4 said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

#19: you could try and print a cow on it yourself... :)

JaSt said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

What a great idea jast /me rushes out to shops to buy a printing pack.

meeps said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Merry Christmas to all staff members and users :)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Merry Christmas, and a happy new year.

GuardR said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

I AGREE WITH THIS POST! ;) Merry Christmas!

Yarn said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Weeeee :) Merry Christmas everyone :D

Kickchon said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

Merry christmas world :)

chronoss said on Wednesday 25 December 2002

LoL Fuck that shit on xmas I just cant fuckin access the Q Queue -.-just look at this fucking graph! 4 days ago I wouldnt have been a Problem at 1AM or something! fuck Christmas =D

]BBC|untoasted[ said on Thursday 26 December 2002

#28: This a competition to use the word f*ck as many times in a comment as possible? The Qnet staff have lives and would rather spend christmas celebrating it than giving Q bots away. Anyway, Merry Christmas all.

magpie said on Thursday 26 December 2002

I know I\'m a bit late, but still, Merry Christmas everyone! and don\'t forget to drink yer milk! m00!

IpDope[TT] said on Thursday 26 December 2002

better late as never : Happy X Mas to all of the Staff and to all Ppl inside here ! ;) greez from Germany !

[-SC-]Darkman said on Thursday 26 December 2002

merry xmas also from here... Drink filled sounds good, but you should drink ONLY milk! m00! (=

skater_x said on Thursday 26 December 2002

Merry christmas and a happy new year everyone!!

Kr3L1S said on Thursday 26 December 2002

Merry xmas and Happy new year... :D

PawelS said on Thursday 26 December 2002

#15 How you get people to listen to your radio station is _NOT_ Quakenet\'s like nr 1 priroty, infact I think the opers don\'t care aslong as the rules aren\'t broken. Anyways how do you get people to join the channel? You spam the chan name in other chans which is NOT allowed on Qnet, further more it\'s not allowed to write addresses for advertise neither (radio ips) get my drift? Your breaking the rules when doing this.

kjuze said on Thursday 26 December 2002

And more... I\'m one of the helpers who started #help so I\'ve been around for some time, and I can tell you we have NO more power then a regular user, we can\'t kill, we can\'t join priv channel etc. We often work many hours a day and gets null, so please tell me what cind of power we\'re looking for? Cause I can tell you a s:line and op in #help just isn\'t worth working for, we for for the joy of helping people. And this is sometimes hard when random radio user joins #help and spams join #rad

kjuze said on Thursday 26 December 2002

Quakenet rules! Merry Christmas! :D

M_Goomba said on Thursday 26 December 2002

#35 1. i dont run the station i have no part in it 2. i dont think ive ever seen their channel spam, its all word of mouth 3. how do u think ppl find out about channels? by ppl saying \"join #blabla\" once or twice - if this didnt happen irc wouldnt exhist.. duh :| 4. Quote: \"infact I think the opers don\'t care aslong as the rules aren\'t broken\" - my point totally made, thanks for backing up this fact.

WdW said on Friday 27 December 2002

5. The advertising rules are lame, if ur not allowed to /amsg IP and/or channel name - nothing will ever get big. how do u think Quakenet got so big? by people readin others minds? NO LOL by ppl advertising... 6. you being a helper has nothing to do with this. i dont care if ur a helper so dont bring it up i was talking about IRCops powers.

WdW said on Friday 27 December 2002

happy x-mas to qnet (/me would still like to have a raised authlevel ;)) anyways. khaled should be hung for bringing in that /amsg \"feature\" into mIRC. S wouldn\'t have 10% of it\'s kills without tracking amsgs. @ #39 : qnet just aunz [tibbie out] //t-bird - help.script staff

T-Bird said on Friday 27 December 2002

drink joo head full, aight ?

CuRRy said on Friday 27 December 2002

Well if this is the case that noone has advertised for cs.radio I don\'t care tbh. You don\'t seem to understand, Qnet doesn\'t strive to get big channels och many users on the net, as I understood it they want to make a GOOD net, without spam, warez etc. I think they would rather have a net with 10k users with no spam then 50k with spam. And I think Qnet got big by gamers meeting IRL and telling eachother, not advertise on other nets.

kjuze said on Friday 27 December 2002

No! What is lame is advertising ips and stuff. It\'s one thing if people ask the adress for etc hotmail, then it\'s ok. Sure it does since your write \"I think your idea applies to feds and helpers who want power over people\" you wrote helpers and opers, you write opers and helpers first, not I.

kjuze said on Friday 27 December 2002

I think theres a difference between asking your friends, and spamming in random channels.

WdW said on Friday 27 December 2002


[NCK]YsOp said on Friday 27 December 2002

I remind all users: This is _neither_ a place to discuss about advertising rules _nor_ about G-lines, so just post comments referring to the news please.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Friday 27 December 2002

i wish u will give in this year the Spambot service back!! we realy need it ;-) and a happy new year

[SMF]Barracuda said on Sunday 29 December 2002


A_snake said on Thursday 02 January 2003