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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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IRC Tutorials

Posted by cro on Sunday 25 May 2003

Tonight will see the introduction of a series of tutorials for IRC users, similar to Undernet's "opschool", with the first being a basic IRC tutorial which starts today at 2000CEST/1900BST in #tutorial. These tutorials will also include an interactive Q & A session with the staff members present. We cannot stress enough that everybody is welcome to attend.

There will be various tutorials in different languages and to suit different peoples' abilities. Hopefully, provided we have enough people attending, these tutorials will become a regular QuakeNet event. So, for any people new to IRC and/or QuakeNet, pop into #tutorial and see if we can help.

Please log in to post comments.

Yeah, join us =)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

DJZ said on Sunday 25 May 2003

+m suckZ

Killerchen said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Nice =). Good for all \"n00bs\" who ask in #help for everything. =DD

SolidSneaker_ said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Im attending..of course..although i cant wait for the more advanced sessions..great idea opers and helpers :) This surely must be able to learn users a thing or 2 :)

colde said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

ZapaFett said on Sunday 25 May 2003

#7 no good Idea ;) How are ppl asking their Q\'s there ??? (Thought I knew much about Q-Net but wow ;))

TDK|Terminator said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Great idea I think, it makes it much easier for people getting their questions than normally in #help. Also the way of helping is kind of easier I\'d say.

[PDK]Naz^^^^^^ said on Sunday 25 May 2003

hé hé :D type /list #tutorial (2000 user in #tutorial !!!)

BruXeLLeS said on Sunday 25 May 2003

uk.quakenet.orf fonctionne

BruXeLLeS said on Sunday 25 May 2003

hm nice idea :) could you set on, when a chan is +D that the useres can see how many ppl are on the chan in the status? and what is fishbot, what could he do, and in how many chans was it? :D

HollinG said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Heu can\'t join, it\'s invite only ?

IQS|Krusty said on Sunday 25 May 2003

rofl. iam on it :P i think it is too much know :D

HollinG said on Sunday 25 May 2003

ahh now i mean ^^ sorry im german :D

HollinG said on Sunday 25 May 2003

To help people which are new on QuakeNet is a very nice idea :) I\'m actually in #tutorial too and I must say that such a channel is a very good thing!

behaccr8d[b4] said on Sunday 25 May 2003

#13 (20:54:55) —› mode: (splidge) sets (+i)(21:10:12) —› mode: (splidge) sets (-i)

BruXeLLeS said on Sunday 25 May 2003

erf, (20:54:55) mode: (splidge) sets (+i) and (21:10:12) mode: (splidge) sets (-i)

BruXeLLeS said on Sunday 25 May 2003

Great job helpers and staff. Quite some tutorial :D

surafisken said on Sunday 25 May 2003

How exactly can one ask a question whilst it is +m? Or am I missing something basic as I often do?

Trafton said on Sunday 25 May 2003

#tutorial unable to join channel (invite only)

Pheobus said on Sunday 25 May 2003

And that \"FishBot\" - I swear.. it wasn\'t ME!

[D^AngeL] said on Sunday 25 May 2003

[19:34:41] ::: authhacker using the \"/msg someone has ...\" method. [19:34:41] ::: Error: Closing Link: Killerchen by barrysworld4.uk.quakenet.org (G-lined) [19:34:41] * Disconnected Thanks QuakeNet, I love you because you are the most sucking Network in the WWW. Remove our G-Lines or we will attack (Denial of Service) QuakeNet! Maybe we can talk!

Killerchen said on Monday 26 May 2003

Invite only :-/ damn shame to miss this, and btw i have no clue what time that will be at in french local time :/

Scope|Swat said on Monday 26 May 2003

When is the Q - Request ready ?

SoX said on Monday 26 May 2003

*sigh* whats the point with a tutorial channel if its invite only :S

SsE-Stitch said on Monday 26 May 2003

Tutorial today?

BruXeLLeS said on Monday 26 May 2003

@ #26: Maybe todays lesson included chanmode +i :D

Kessok said on Monday 26 May 2003

Hm... nice for all people unable to use google... and that is really complicated!

CaBa said on Monday 26 May 2003

@ #26: LOL

CaBa said on Monday 26 May 2003

I hope for your sake you are all joking : the tutorial was yesterday (see the date, it says sunday) : perhaps you should pay a little more attention than just diving on in with criticism :)

Kryten said on Monday 26 May 2003

Indeed, it is a shame when people try to act clever and put down a good thing. I think it\'s a very good idea, and one which has proven to be successful on other networks. Good luck with it.

Mentality said on Tuesday 27 May 2003

[16:33:39] *** [#tutorial] Cannot join channel- You must be invited (mode +i) - Press F10 to keep trying to join

FST said on Tuesday 27 May 2003

I think it\'s a very good thing QN started working on. Though there are still some improvements to be made, well done staff! Too bad none of my questions got answered though...

dopeh said on Tuesday 27 May 2003

mhh I guess u won\'t have said at which time u can request Q ... wenn we need \"him\" =))

[leer] said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

Ok, I haven\'t checked it out, but it seems pretty obvious that it isn\'t open 24/7, and when there is NOT a tutorial going on, it is set to +i (invite only) - So why don\'t people use their common sense, rather than constantly pasting the \'invite only\' error message? :)

Mentality said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

Good idea! When is the next \"lesson\"? I like, even if I am a \"skilled\" irc-user. =P

r3Fl3X said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

Hmm...*I like IT* =)

r3Fl3X said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

I hope that a script lesson cames and somebody explains how to automaticly devoice/kick/ban users which use HLSW or away scripts ;)

TT|MarkTaylor said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

Sounds good even if I don\'t see the point of it. Hm actually, I see it but isnt #help made for these thingis.. And r3Fl3X you are not a skilled irc-user. ;-)

[OpTi]Ingerfara said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

#help has other functions. This is for the newest of the new users. Help people befor the ask the questions :)

Shorty said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

Wouldn\'t it be better if all Telekom users would be banned from this channel, cause their spamming, bots etc will disturb the audience...

BoBaFFeTT said on Wednesday 28 May 2003

Apo : 1. you don\'t know any T-Online user /me thinks . 2. You were never in any #tutorial lesson. 3. Else you would know that the chan is moderated and you ask Qustions via a Bot (called Tutor)

TDK|Terminator said on Thursday 29 May 2003

what kinda tutorial was this? kinda introduction in QuakeNets rules, services etc? or some advanced things? btw: does this login cancel the 40 days period of not using my Q account?

alder said on Sunday 01 June 2003

It was a tutorial for new users, teaching them to use commands like /whois and /mode but also telling them which channels they can join for help. About the login thing, I don\'t know if this counts as logging in.

Voronoi said on Monday 02 June 2003

just look for the Q and dont keep your bussy on shit like thate channel god damn it!

socke- said on Monday 02 June 2003

DAMN invite only :((((

[DCT]Curtis said on Tuesday 03 June 2003

Thats great... i had many problems when i started using irc.. this new channel must really help those ppl who need help...

Ziclow^ said on Friday 06 June 2003

how do i join? invite only????

Defcon-1 said on Saturday 07 June 2003

You can\'t join #tutorial atm. Wait until the next irc-tutorial takes place.

Abdul[Bp] said on Saturday 07 June 2003

yer all eejits!

reload said on Sunday 08 June 2003

and im still G-Lined ;(

_crew said on Sunday 08 June 2003

omfg 2k users LOL wp Qnet!

aaron_awwww said on Tuesday 10 June 2003

I can´t request the smaLL \"L\" Bot :D It says: You are not a well enough known op on #Topics. You must be in the top 5 ops. What to do ? Please help : )

[leer] said on Tuesday 10 June 2003

I´m still G-lined !:[ What´s up with Q-net???

llSplinterll said on Tuesday 10 June 2003

mmm pie

[LS]Blizzard said on Tuesday 10 June 2003

Where is written when a tutorial takes place? (or the topic of it?)

commander_keen said on Wednesday 11 June 2003

It will be announced on the main page.

Abdul[Bp] said on Wednesday 11 June 2003

Hmm.. Anybody who knows when the system will be 100% finished? You know.. So i can change my Q-password from this page and so on...

Mejer140 said on Thursday 12 June 2003

I doubt anyone knows how long it\'s gonna take yet/what\'s gonna happen to everything. Just be patient, everything will be fixed somewhen.

dopeh said on Thursday 12 June 2003

When do u think u can request Q9 ? The new, better one :D

[leer] said on Thursday 12 June 2003

Why Can\'t we join #tutorial ???

Romano said on Saturday 14 June 2003

Because there\'s no tutorial being held. ;|

Abdul[Bp] said on Saturday 14 June 2003

lol there is +i and there are only 3 users

NaiseR said on Saturday 14 June 2003

Thats cause they want to keep the room ;) It will be announced in the news when there will be a new Tutorial and then the chan will be aviable again ;) (atleast this is what I think)

TDK|Terminator said on Sunday 15 June 2003

ehm when will we get any news about when the Q service will be up again... ?

secporta said on Monday 16 June 2003

why invite only?

WAT said on Wednesday 18 June 2003

Ohhh roFL always the same Question ...

[leer] said on Friday 20 June 2003

just testing how this works .] have phun..!

fluffy said on Friday 20 June 2003

#69 69 69

BruSSeLS said on Saturday 21 June 2003

really nice ! the tutorial helped me alot and the Q&A; did so too :) I hope you guys organise future tutorials like that! it was great :)

Olthoiken said on Sunday 22 June 2003

Sure we\'ll continue our tutorials as long as people like them.

Jack-The-Ripper said on Sunday 22 June 2003

Thanks, Havn\'t had a chance to read it yet. Ran log so i\'ll look later. Sadly i missed the first 1, Was hoping to upload them somewhere, Has anyone got a log f the first session ?

Bob007 said on Monday 23 June 2003

uploaded sundays session in .txt form if anyone missed it. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.james/tutorial.txt Think you\'ll have to copy

Bob007 said on Monday 23 June 2003

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.james/tutorial.txt Bah can\'t edit :P

Bob007 said on Monday 23 June 2003

This weeks logs \"http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ian.james/Tutorial3.txt\" copy and paste :)

Bob007 said on Sunday 29 June 2003

...is druggy druggy druggy druggy

X9-Spectre said on Wednesday 02 July 2003

this is a brilliant new feature, just hurry up with the logs of the channel so that a valuable source of RTFM is available.

keot said on Wednesday 02 July 2003

I think this feature is pretty good, tho it\'s not new since a lot of the other older nets have been using this for ages. But it had to come and it came and i hope it has helped some of the people attending them :)

gwelz said on Wednesday 02 July 2003

...is druggy druggy druggy druggy

X9-Spectre said on Friday 04 July 2003

[22:32:52] ::: Now talking in: (#Help) ... [22:34:27] [Tutor]: We will now pause to answer any of your questions. Remember, to ask type /msg Tutor . [L l0l ] ... [22:34:43] [hitman4ever]: LOL [22:34:46] [wiebe]: strange host for Tutor [22:34:49] [Ezekiel]: strange ... [22:46:55] [Tutor]: OK, there was just 1 question. I think you don\'t like me. So i will leave now. :( [22:46:57] ::: Part: (Tutor) (*) HrHr :D

G-Line said on Sunday 06 July 2003


ew-Seb said on Wednesday 16 July 2003

please put the tutorials online :)

Maxey said on Saturday 23 August 2003

when will the tutorials past and present be uploaded ? :/

Xniper said on Monday 01 September 2003

Will you have more tutorials? I could\'nt join it because I forgot to be online =(

Anders1 said on Friday 03 October 2003


pibbz said on Monday 08 November 2004