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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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QuakeNet reaches 200,000 users

Posted by Ferg on Sunday 31 August 2003

--begin release--

For Immediate Release

QuakeNet reaches 200,000 Concurrent Users

31/08/2003 - QuakeNet, tonight consolidated it's position as the world's largest chat network, with more than 200,000 people connected concurrently. The actual user peak eventually reached 201,401 users, 1401 users more than the 200,000 user mark.

QuakeNet, which has more than 400,000 registered users, is home to the largest and most dynamic communities in the world, and currently has approximately 50 chat servers installed at major ISP's across Europe and the US.

QuakeNet has a daily average usercount of more than 140,000 simultaneous users - an average usercount larger than many small towns.

QuakeNet, through encouraging people to use the network to chat about games and it's policy of actively discouraging antisocial behaviour (including a total ban on all file sharing or trading) has provided an environment where fans of computer games can find groups of like-minded people to chat to. This philosophy has also created an environment for the user looking for general, technical and any other theme of chat room. The QuakeNet userbase has grown far beyond its gaming roots.

Developers and publishers are also recognising the value of QuakeNet, with several large publishers setting up community-based support channels on QuakeNet. QuakeNet also is home to several large Game Service Providers, notably BarrysWorld and Blueyonder in the UK, along with many others.

QuakeNet is always looking to improve on its user experience, and attract new users to the network. QuakeNet is also always searching for new, suitable sponsors to increase its server coverage accross the world, and give its users local servers to connect to.


For additional information on this press release and QuakeNet, contact:


For future press enquires, contact:


For additional information about QuakeNet's growth, please visit http://irc.netsplit.de, an independant IRC network monitoring website.

Notes to Editors:

About QuakeNet

QuakeNet was founded in 1997 by two friends who wanted to provide a place for game players to chat online about Quake. QuakeNet now has more than 50 chat servers spread across the world in a single distributed network. QuakeNet is a not-for-profit organisation run by volunteers, with more than 400,000 registered users chatting in more than 170,000 different chat rooms.

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Nice peak :-)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Good job QuakeNet ;) Very nice with 200 000 useres =)

r3Fl3X said on Sunday 31 August 2003

well done to all the quakenet staff! thanks for making this the greatest irc network. :)

keot said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Hmm...Users by the way ;)

r3Fl3X said on Sunday 31 August 2003

uh.. glad to know that QuakeNet is founded by a dane :) Good job staff

Crepper said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Veeeeery impressive =)

MikkelT said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Yes yes it\'s nice to see how the network has developed (more ppl start playing cs = more users :P). I\'m sure most ppl enjoy quakenet (though it get\'s hard with a \"one IP based ISP\" and a 24/7 full trust queue *whine:P*) and I\'m sure you can make 250k if it keeps progressing like today :) Congrats!

cjb said on Sunday 31 August 2003

That\'s the way. :)

Monsited said on Sunday 31 August 2003

yeah really nice news! I hope it will continues so with the quakenet. :-)

nAv1 said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Incredible. QuakeNet is now about 10 times as big as it was when I first connected. I hope the usercount keeps on increasing and I also hope that we\'ll be able to keep the quite high quality level of all our services and maybe increase it even a bit more.

skater_x said on Sunday 31 August 2003


netzi said on Sunday 31 August 2003

is it csnet now ? :\\

MIXU said on Sunday 31 August 2003

wieh, let\'s go for the 500.000 ;) :P

Kr3L1S said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Congratulations and thanks to ferg for these informative news!

UnbeaTable said on Sunday 31 August 2003

instead of make stupid news , really help quakenet people about takeover and Q-hacking(do a new about this), Thanks you.

tdts said on Sunday 31 August 2003

i\'m still waiting for the next netsplits :)

Maastaaa said on Sunday 31 August 2003

good job :)

[RoA]Chris said on Sunday 31 August 2003

Good job Quakenet :D We\'re looking forward to the 300000 peak :)

DeathGeneral said on Sunday 31 August 2003

well done, thanks to everybody who is part of this realy great irc network! up to the next peak :)

^eraser^ said on Sunday 31 August 2003

i don\'t really care, numbers are just numbers... i bet more than 2/3 of the users are f*cked up nubs... O_o well i c noone cares ;\\ well you can hate me now

nightliner said on Monday 01 September 2003

Congrats QuakeNet :)

[[[^Dragon^]]] said on Monday 01 September 2003

wow nice =)

HollinG said on Monday 01 September 2003

gg pld n1 thx.

SuperNoodle said on Monday 01 September 2003

Impressive... Prople normally say that porn or warez is what gathers a growd. QuakeNet has proved that it is good, free and stable services along with an anti-lamer (Love you, S) politic that actually is what people want. Keep up the good work coders and other opers :)

Darkstar said on Monday 01 September 2003

Congratulations Quakenet !

Abdul[Bp] said on Monday 01 September 2003

hunny, if your going to hit your peak, please do it on your room. /Mom

kjuze said on Monday 01 September 2003

Good Job Quakenet. It is now almost 1 year ago that i came to qnet (i thought they had around the 40 servers?) and now it are 50 really nice!

FDNL^robbierzz| said on Monday 01 September 2003

Well done Quakenet, the stability of the servers and the services just shows how much effort the coders and opers have put in and credits you all. Thanks.

TheSaviourX said on Monday 01 September 2003

Congrats Qnet

Leff said on Monday 01 September 2003

Really nice :)

Tristam said on Monday 01 September 2003

Good Job. But for more Users you need more Servers. There are lots of Users from Germany. Ask a german providy, ngz for example because they host everything game related for free. And the quakenet is game related.

ts_tequila said on Monday 01 September 2003

only 200,000 ? ;]

Xniper said on Monday 01 September 2003

now have the best service too and ill clap hands

MeXtc said on Monday 01 September 2003

netjes now we want Q Go Go Go !!

pie`maxje said on Monday 01 September 2003

who was the 2 friends which have opened quakenet 1997??

d4n13L said on Monday 01 September 2003

that\'s what I wanted to know either :) but, you\'ve done a great work, I really like this network! good job, go on like that!

eisi2k said on Monday 01 September 2003

#36: read http://www.quakenet.org/history.php about QuakeNet\'s history =)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Monday 01 September 2003

Quakenet Roxxx Good Games Guys =)

Beluc said on Monday 01 September 2003

I\'m very very proud to be part of this tremendouzs network as a company-leader (opsio.de). We hope that Qnet continues it\'s success!

milchbauer said on Monday 01 September 2003

Who was the lucky 200.000 winner? :]

qwerty said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

#41: a german idle bnc

Darko said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

I think it\'s great that so many people find Quakenet enjoyable. I myself joined this network when it was just starting out and any channel with over 100 people was like a miracle... Times change I guess ;)

Bomkia said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

Hey, those two friend. Where did they get their servers from?

]EFW[5n41p3r said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

yes nice peak, but it would be nice that Q would be back soon, coz our chan just can\'t handle it anymore, we must op our own members :( constantly this really sux tbh... or just could you make the old Q back without the little errors pleeasseeee desperatly needed

diseased said on Tuesday 02 September 2003

Nice Q-Net. Keep on the good work and reduce the G-Lines ;)

SYn|dEf^ said on Wednesday 03 September 2003

instead of being happy, then fixe that Q service. Me and many more need to move Q from there channel to a new channl. And last time i did say that was about 6 mon. ago, but still nothing has habbende :(

ViraS|CL said on Wednesday 03 September 2003

n1, now just introduce Q again and everybody happy ;)

BenjaminS said on Wednesday 03 September 2003

Nice Q-Net. Now we need Q plz ....

[DStinY]Dek said on Wednesday 03 September 2003

Don\'t whine about Q all the time...let the opers have a rest ;)...it comes when it comes...let it take it\'s time... :)

r3Fl3X said on Wednesday 03 September 2003

keep it up it\'s great nice work to all that help

nova_cs said on Thursday 04 September 2003

yeah. Gj qnet crew.. why not keep up the good job and fix the request Q system for an example? =] If that isnt too much to ask for... :]

Propp said on Thursday 04 September 2003

congratzzz lol i\'m late :> this is getting bigger than many cities :0

ZombiekE said on Friday 19 September 2003

i\'ve been here since -95, this is a fantastic moment!

creature said on Sunday 28 September 2003

¯|¯ (¯`·´¯) /¯¯\\ |\\ | |_¯ ´¯|¯` | _|_ `·.·´ \\__\\ | \\| |__ | .

zipnix said on Tuesday 28 October 2003

¯|¯ (¯`·´¯) /¯¯\\ |\\ | |_¯ ´¯|¯` | _|_ `·.·´ \\__\\ | \\| |__ | .

zipnix said on Tuesday 28 October 2003

Congratz Quakenet! My best favourite of IRC network server. You did a great job! (sorry for late) love Cubey

Cubey said on Saturday 22 November 2003