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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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User Protection

Posted by Ferg on Wednesday 24 September 2003

QuakeNet - as the largest chat network in the world - is committed to doing all that it can to protect users of its Internet Relay Chat (IRC) services.

Due to our proactive stance and recent actions taken by other "chat" services, over the coming weeks we will be investigating and actioning measures to protect our user base from the perceived threats while using our IRC services.

In the short term, we encourage users NEVER to give personal information about themselves to anyone, and to report people requesting such information to network staff. We would like to re-iterate that all the general responsibility for channel moderation on QuakeNet lies with the channel operators.


QuakeNet - als das großte Chat Netzwerk der Welt - muss alles tun, was moglich ist, um die Benutzer seines "Internet Relay Chat" (IRC) Dienstes zu schutzen.

Wegen unserer Vorbild-Position und Maßnahmen, die andere "Chat" Dienste kurzlich getroffen haben, werden wir in den nachsten Wochen Maßnahmen prufen und ergreifen, um unsere Benutzer vor den bekannten Gefahren bei der Benutzung unseres IRC Dienstes zu schutzen.

Kurzfristig empfehlen wir den Nutzern, NIEMALS personliche Daten uber sich selbst an irgendjemanden weiterzugeben und Personen, die solche Daten erfragen dem QuakeNet Personal zu melden. Ausserdem mochten wir wiederholen, dass die Hauptverantwortung bei der Moderation von Channels im Quakenet bei den Channel Operatoren ("Op's") liegt.

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Yeah, I feel that had to be done =)

Jack-The-Ripper said on Wednesday 24 September 2003

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ShakeyJake said on Wednesday 24 September 2003

read this: http://www.sogamed.com/forums.php?id=55790&forum;_id=1

FST said on Wednesday 24 September 2003

quakenet isn\'t a chat server, it\'s just join/part and server join spam ;)

vorx said on Wednesday 24 September 2003

indeed... well somethin for u IRCoppies to fix: those advertisebots that are on no channels and PM u.. prolly of some other user on the channel joined and parted that forwards the nicklist ...

FST said on Wednesday 24 September 2003

Just joking :P

r3Fl3X said on Thursday 25 September 2003


nAv1 said on Thursday 25 September 2003

Wonderful idea boys!

[MH]SEth said on Thursday 25 September 2003

we encourage users NEVER to give personal information about themselves to anyone --- especially not me ;) *rar*

dirtyperv said on Thursday 25 September 2003

can someone please translate it into german?

savkor said on Thursday 25 September 2003

What type of actions?

|hFh|Marine^ said on Thursday 25 September 2003

Just a thought, sure it sounds fancy when news are posten in advanced english and advanced word but it is really smart? I mean there are alot of young people/germans on quakenet who obviously have a hard time saying \"Hi, how are you\" without writing the wrong words/spells wrong. Maybe something to think about so more can take part of the news posts.

kjuze said on Thursday 25 September 2003

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dirtyperv said on Thursday 25 September 2003

I think this news comes as result as MSN.co.uk\'s closure of their chatroom service.

dirtyperv said on Thursday 25 September 2003

Ok, dirtyperv : please think about saying such things ! Not all Germans are Nazis ! (infact it\'s less than 2 percent aprox.) If some oper want\'s to post a translation somewhere I offer to translate it to German for him.

TDK|Terminator said on Thursday 25 September 2003

I\'m sure Skater, Jack and the other German staff members can manage it. ;)

Abdul[Bp] said on Thursday 25 September 2003

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mgtatdev said on Thursday 25 September 2003

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Exor007 said on Thursday 25 September 2003

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LFB|Scorpi|oN said on Thursday 25 September 2003

hu did i miss something ? why that sudden interresst in the users ?

gotisch^CS said on Thursday 25 September 2003

Perhaps time investment in the Q system would be better, this seems like a worhtless newspost. All those people who want Q, have nothing to do, and make fake Q bots who steal your password...

SgtStrider said on Friday 26 September 2003

I agree with SgtStrider. Quite a few of the problems appear to stem from the fact that there\'s no current way to request Q. Although, since the introduction of L, Q has become something of a status symbol, which is a shame. It would be nice to see it back soon, but I guess we can\'t rush what is a vital network service. It would be interesting to see how much the fake Q-request pages would die down once the re-introduction of the official Q request comes online.

intimate said on Friday 26 September 2003

Bah, what a load of crap. screw MSN chat, it was wank anyway. Good riddance.... (views are my own not that of qnet blah blah)

iolaire said on Friday 26 September 2003

oh great. we\'re making rules that take into account the stupid and the ignorant. a bad sign.

Deathius said on Friday 26 September 2003

who the hell is iolaire? *g*

mgtatdev said on Friday 26 September 2003

#22: Sounds weird. Why should someone who is bored BECAUSE he can\'t get Q (?) create fake Q request pages? We are working on Q currently, but our \"problem\" is that the people who are working on it have got something called \"life\" and maybe also \"work\". You\'ll have to respect that. #23: Rubbish... The fake Q/S/L whatever request pages will be there aslong as people try to get other people\'s Q passwords for being able to \"take over\" a channel, what seems to be a very common hobby of kid

skater_x said on Friday 26 September 2003

We have also which developed for the Quakenet as an assistance. We operate a free operated with Bots. Up to now it does not have to klauen anybody created, a Channel to Overtaken or.

LFB|Scorpi|oN said on Friday 26 September 2003

Netzwerk : We also build up something in order to help Quakenet. We operate a bot service free of charge. Till now, no one managed to overtake one of the protected channels. www.irc-sicherheit.org (now it\'s understandable English instead of Bablefish one :))

TDK|Terminator said on Friday 26 September 2003

The hysteria over this issue is beginning to reach fever pitch. I dread to think where it will all end. Maybe the best response to the valid parts of said hysteria, that i have heard, is for countries to make it illegal, or for isps/chatservices to make it a breach of their usage agreements, for minors to use the internet/chatservices without being supervised _at_point_of_use (ie NOT remotely) at ALL times that they are using the internet. Maybe then this will fix the issues involved.

FireLord said on Friday 26 September 2003

#27 sure the opers got reallífe but an requestsystem isnt hard to code. my opinion on that

andr0S said on Saturday 27 September 2003

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[MP]Redbear said on Saturday 27 September 2003

#27, you misunderstand what I\'m saying. I\'m not saying that these people wouldn\'t try to do the same while Q request is running, but the very fact that it is NOT running, along with the fairly high demand for Q at the present time does the network no favours. Please don\'t have a go at me like that when all I\'m doing is pointing out something that appears to be making an issue worse. The fact remains: if Q request was working, would so many people visit fake sites? I don\'t think they would.

intimate said on Saturday 27 September 2003

I wish we could dump the Q name, and just use it for authing. Q has become such a status symbol, i wish when the new Q were finished it could be called L. :P

Ferg said on Saturday 27 September 2003

I agree with you there, people look at Q as something that you need to get, when quite blatantly, it\'s not. I\'ve just obtained an eggdrop from http://hbs.help.quakenet.org to help administer my channel alongside L. Perhaps thats a better solution in the interim? :)

intimate said on Saturday 27 September 2003

Sounds nice :)

MikkelT said on Saturday 27 September 2003

How do you want to make the Net safer against the \"virus urls\" ? At this time is already one on tour...

Psycho000 said on Saturday 27 September 2003

Pls make available Q Bot for channels on q net servers...this service is disabled since a few month...are there any news to order Q for channels and if not...any idea when this service will be reachable again ?

mcu|avi said on Saturday 27 September 2003

Mummy, mummy can I have a Q for christmas? In all seriousness, don\'t do a damn thing. If you must, just constantly /wall \'USE COMMONSENSE\' every 2 hours to every (CS) channel/user. Not that they\'d listen...

Deathius said on Saturday 27 September 2003

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DEATHJack said on Sunday 28 September 2003

I like to watch Deckard naked in the shower, and that is all I have to say about that.

BJE said on Sunday 28 September 2003

I know this isn\'t the right forum for it but since staff comments on in i\'d like todo the same. About the Q issue, it seems to be something for lamers, often german cs players. I mean god damn people stop whining. You have L which works really good, why do you need Q? You say because I only can add 30 people, well 30 people is alot, you don\'t need to add your frikking grandma. Ones again, you do ->_N-O-T_<- need Q, L is more then enough! Btw I like to watch neom watch Deckard naked in the sho

kjuze said on Sunday 28 September 2003

I am wondering why the newspost is translated to german additionally. Over this inputbox is written: \"Speak english since this is a multilanguage network.\" So why a german version ?

Isaenforcer said on Sunday 28 September 2003

If you would have read the other comment\'s you would know why : Cause there are many germans out there, that don\'t understand (even simple) English. After ppl asked for a translation there was one made . That\'s all

TDK|Terminator said on Sunday 28 September 2003

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

]STH[MCJesus said on Sunday 28 September 2003

Ferg: this is a good idea i think! just using Q for authing would be ok. the status of q is a little bit weird i think :)

[MH]SEth said on Monday 29 September 2003

Q-Net Amdins: I respect your work beside your personel life. Go ahead. To all the whiners: Be lucky, there are people who spent lots of time in Q-Net to organize, manage and take care about the worlds largest Chat Community. Nobody forces you to join the net. And in case u have probs with spam and advertising: Get a life or switch of ya TV. Not the germans, spammers or Overtakers are the prob. The kids are. IRC is so easy to use but for some peeps its still too difficult. lol.

SYn|dEf^ said on Monday 29 September 2003

#45 2003-09-29 00:16 | Jesus [IP logged] WTF!!!! i have right .... The #Sicherheit bots Suck0rn!!! So plz dont delete my Fucking post in the Comments. I have the best Anti Overtake Bots in the Network!!!!!! No one can Overtake my Chan or Chans with my Bots. So when you want are really god Anti Overtake bot join #Jesus\\\\

]STH[MCJesus said on Monday 29 September 2003

don\'t make me get my BIG RED POINTY GLINE STICK out, remember to post a comment, you give us your Q auth. Ferg

Ferg said on Monday 29 September 2003

#46: sure, but the number of chanflags you are able to use with L is very limited. i guess its time to do something and the suggestion to buy bots or whatever instead of Q is not a solution... i think it couldnt be that hard to bring Q back and I couldnt beleave its only a \"security\" issue. *offtopic* :)

Lufi said on Monday 29 September 2003

i wonder why #14 wasn\'t denied by the QuakeNet staff as it violates QuakeNet\'s rule of \"No racism and/or Nazism.\"

iBh|123 said on Monday 29 September 2003

Wouldn\'t just Bitchmode f&#252;r L be the solve of everything?! or at least a eggdrop tcl working with the Q/L chanlevel list?

Cadoc said on Tuesday 30 September 2003

#51: Not every sentence with word \"nazi\" in it, are racist. The comment is now denied anyhow. And a little reminder for even german people: Read those five little rules before posting your comment(s). English is the preferred language here, not German.

Shadow said on Tuesday 30 September 2003

yet you translate the news?

epicaL said on Tuesday 30 September 2003

#53 i realize that, but in this context it obviously was as he was referring to the Germans who have problems with the english language, which, i suppose, is why the comment is now denied

iBh|123 said on Tuesday 30 September 2003

#48 i belive it is not very hard to write an \"anti overtake bot\". just set-up an eggdrop and install cmouse\'s qauth-script would do also a very good work. also you can activate the bitch-mode and so on. in my opinion you just advertise here... and calm down boy ;) #53: sure. but translating the news into different language is a good \"service\" i think...

[MH]SEth said on Wednesday 01 October 2003

I am admin of an eSports league and we have got our own security eggdrops. They only let a person auth if he has the same identd@vhost as usual. So, an overtaker would have to hack the auth aswell as the bouncer. And that is much more difficult than hacking a q auth. So, there are several possibilities to protect your channels. Just be creative :)

DMF|DarthHunter said on Wednesday 01 October 2003

>> They only let a person auth if he has the same identd@vhost as usual. << Authing to the bot yes, bot you have no effect on authing to Q. >> And that is much more difficult than hacking a q auth. << No it isn`t. But the different is that not every +ao user can make the mistake of /msg qfake auth ... Btw: You for get all ppl who uses +x, and the 2nd problem is that not every chan has an eggdrop (or more). >> Just be creative :) << Sure [:

Pipa said on Wednesday 01 October 2003

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rnd said on Wednesday 01 October 2003

#41. Deki naked. That\'s something I think EVERYONE can agree on... :)

Cheez said on Thursday 02 October 2003

#28 What do you want to say? Was willst du damit sagen?

nightliner said on Thursday 02 October 2003

I think it\'s a BAD idea generally to add other languages to the news... Are germans stupider than other countries in terms of language? Probably, but so is France + Benelux... so why don\'t translate to those languages so every ASSHAT who can\'t speak english (and thus not even the terms of connecting to qnet!) can get a sense that its a bad idea to click on everything they see, trusting everyone they meet and installing everything will give you divine powers - but only if you install NOW! Assh

Trinity said on Thursday 02 October 2003

Reply to #24 (iolaire), you may think msn has always been wank, but near the beginning, they had SYSOPS who HAD a clue. No pervs around then.. What quakenet hasn\'t/will not get is SYSOPS(opers) that will actually talk to people, make friends, not sit there ignoring people and clicking \"G-Line\".

[CeX]Death_Ray said on Friday 03 October 2003

An addition to my above post, yes.. MSN chat, previously have been sh*t.

[CeX]Death_Ray said on Friday 03 October 2003

#13 then, they should improve their English. Press releases and statements like these one should be written in the most accurate way, and this many times means \"weird words\". I understand you... I\'m Spanish, so I\'m not a native... but I understand Qnet too hehe. On the other hand, about these things, I\'ve had some people asking for girls/boys to show on their webcam in my channel, which is not pretty big... but well... it\'s nasty. So I ban them. Quakenet is not for sex :|

ZombiekE said on Friday 03 October 2003

#65 Well they should, but they wont. I don\'t think they will think hmm I should listen more in the english class so I can understand the news post on Qnet. I think it would be a good idea to post a translation of every news post in the most common languages. For a person that knows the languages in shouldn\'t take much more then ten minutes. As a btw I know a pornsite that has a channel on qnet, if any operator is interested I\'m using the nick [HOR]kjuze cheers

kjuze said on Saturday 04 October 2003

lol, .de needs translation? :| poor bastards

Fralsaren said on Sunday 12 October 2003

I feel ashamed. I am a German girl and that\'s more than embarrassing. English is such an easy language to understand. Besides the translation is kind of - well - you notice if you can cope with both languages, it had to be done quick. But don\'t worry, many Germans (fortunately not too much of them are able to connect to the irc network) can\'t even use their own language sufficient. But another thing i like to add: it isn\'t fair that we get a translation and all the other nationalities do not

MSGw|Lara said on Monday 13 October 2003

Kann das mal das hier kein ver******* H****sohn aus Deutschland auf die Seite geht? Naja, wat solls, ihr k&#246;nnt das hier wahrscheinlich eh nicht lesen :D

Pearldrake said on Thursday 30 October 2003


DulcyK16 said on Friday 31 October 2003

#28,#29 Why do you think it\'s ok to advertise in a serious news comment section which is designed for discussions? I mentioned it 3 times to take your \"test\" Channel, and it took over 7 minutes until the bot recovered. It\'s not the first time you do that. Please stop it. #67,#62 Imagine a situation where you don\'t know the language all others use. Would you like to hear \"you damn idiot, learn english\" when you\'re just learning that language in school?

thommey said on Tuesday 04 November 2003

-> #71: Most german people on QuakeNet are currently learning english (just guessing). This topic is very serious and I think it\'s ok to let everyone understand it... even if you only get one person reading this if it gets translated... it helps. Now back to the actual topic :) I think it\'s necessary that users get informed about this, and it\'s great quakenet\'s staff really cares about this and acts.

thommey said on Tuesday 04 November 2003

Hallo freaks, Willkommen in meinem chan #F.D.S will spa&#223; beim chatten usw. By M@Fiosi

warszawiak said on Wednesday 05 November 2003

As you can see not all german.. \'excistences\' are able to speak correct english (neither i ;) but instead of learning they\'re posting their lame channels with more laming ppl and most laming sense... Hum. Someone needs an attitude adjustment

ningo said on Sunday 16 November 2003

jeah ..when does Q requesting come back? atm is ca 20 000 pointless and dead channels with no idlers exept Q! And then is many many channels with many many idlers and L Anyways cant you to so that who wants Q can send e-mail or sth? And GL & HF with repairing Q/L request :)

zhade said on Monday 17 November 2003