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QuakeNet IRC client versions

Posted by Ferg on Sunday 18 January 2004

Last week the QuakeNet staff ran a 'CTCP version' request on the whole chat network.

This meant that we were able to collect detailed client usage information for all clients on the network. This summary of this information is listed below.

Client versions:

160757 mIRC (93.71%)

3891 Irssi (2.27%)

2709 Trillian (1.58%)

2462 X-Chat (1.43%)

291 Natashabot (bot) (0.17%)

180 BitchX

156 Klient

152 Vortex/Bobot (bot)

146 Visual IRC

99 Chatzilla


61 dircproxy (bouncer)

51 Xircon

51 ujas

50 uBrowser

53 ircII


48 HydraIRC

43 PJIRC (java applet)

41 iroffer (filesharing client)

41 TircClient

42 Eggdrop (bot)

10 JPilot (java applet)

4 Snak

Script versions:

47149 noname script (29.33%)

11600 GamersIRC (7.22%)

3365 nbs-irc (2.03%)

2110 SystemInfo (1.31%)

1673 Ocrana (1.04%)

1655 FinnishIRC (1.03%)

1405 SuperIP (0.87%)

1083 IRCAP (0.67%)

798 Peace & Protection (0.50%)

431 Amphibizorus (0.27%)

There were approximately 50,000 missing replies. These were due to older mIRC clients ignoring all CTCPs for security reasons, and clients which do not give out version replies.

QuakeNet generates aproximately 400 users itself for security reasons and services.

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First :P Well, as we can see irssi is going to beat mirc soon :D

bullet said on Sunday 18 January 2004


coaster said on Sunday 18 January 2004

in your dreams :)

postgame said on Sunday 18 January 2004

only 42 eggys replays? or do i get smth wrong here

pipa said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Irssi is coming right behind mIRC ;)

karvanaama said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Wow! Thats a hellova lotta ctcp replies... I feel sorry for the person/bot who was spammed with them all ^^

sephectja said on Sunday 18 January 2004

@ pipa i think couse most eggdrops ignore ctcp or only if you have some flags you can ctcp it :D

fo3-nik5 said on Sunday 18 January 2004

Just a question !!! how do you do this statistics ? What is your material ?

romano said on Sunday 18 January 2004

really nice stats :) NNScript / fiRe

fire said on Sunday 18 January 2004

It was the bot Z who ran a CTCP-version of all IRC-clients a few days ago. Nice to see that so many users have got nbs-irc. Congrats fiRe :P

r3fl3x said on Sunday 18 January 2004

QuakeNet generates aproximately 400 users itself for security reasons and services. Is there a list ?

leff said on Monday 19 January 2004

Default for BitchX is \"stealth\" mode so doesn\'t reply to CTCP requests. This probably explains the 50,000 difference :p

bingos said on Monday 19 January 2004

160757 mIRC (93.71%) 3891 Irssi (2.27%) We are slowly catching up ^_^

cheez said on Monday 19 January 2004

only 42 eggdrop bots on whole qnet? shoked me a bit... very unexpected at all

ningo said on Monday 19 January 2004

nice one xD

upfg|jinkazama said on Monday 19 January 2004

#15, only 42 that respond with a recognisable CTCP version reply. If they replied at all.

cheez said on Monday 19 January 2004

Well... It looks pretty cool with the scripts but the fact is that most of these scripts is really lame.. Why dont use the real irc client as it is made, i think, if these things should be in the client why are the client made with these things from the start ? .. I really dont like lame scripts!

whole said on Monday 19 January 2004

I think that I myself run almost 42 eggdrop bots :)´ But as default Eggdrop allows CTCP version - doesn\'t it?

i|avatar said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

nnscript pwnz u !! ;O

brenter said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

cool :)

greeny said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

@ #19 as default i think only for users which have global flag o or so i think :D but i am not sure

fo3-nik5 said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

mIRC is really common client indeed. Eggdrops allow ctcp version requesting but the reply may be customized, which is often done. This may explain the minor amount of correct eggdrop replies. Good job with the NNScript, greeny & Mute.

vertical said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

#18: So don\'t use the scripts then. Some of the features scripts provide aren\'t wanted by everybody, that\'s the whole point of a barebones client (yes, I know mIRC isn\'t) and a decent scripting engine.

magpie said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

mr.helper :)

alder said on Tuesday 20 January 2004

#19 the eggdrop version reply is customiseable through the set command, most the eggdrops either have it set to nothing or set to custom value .. hence why only 42 bog standard eggies replies (mine wasnt one of the)

fzx said on Wednesday 21 January 2004

When is SoAScript coming on the list :)

mbv said on Thursday 22 January 2004

I think Hydrairc will get much more popular in the future..

ahac said on Thursday 22 January 2004

NoNameScript leads the scripts cause its the perfect gamers choise, as Quakenet is a network for gamers. However its a good script and fits well for many of us.

vertical said on Thursday 22 January 2004

160757 mIRC. So Mr. Mardam-Bey should have made about £1.5million then :/

custodian said on Thursday 22 January 2004

Any count on how many Palm Pilots/PDA\'s that visit Quakenet daily? :)

sas-atrax said on Thursday 22 January 2004

i´m one of the 180 BitchX users. nice to see that are other fresh people on qnet.

h0nk said on Friday 23 January 2004

why didnt God-irc users show up ?! :/ would have pwned u all :)

{w}neil2 said on Friday 23 January 2004

NNScript is just cool :)

~fe|ix said on Friday 23 January 2004

you missed my manual reply \"Amiga\" :p

ev1lk1ng said on Saturday 24 January 2004

NNscript ownz!!! :)

killer-eyes said on Saturday 24 January 2004

#12 I would also like to know all bots like Q,L,H,S,T and Z and what thy do. Tell me if there is a list! :)

metal-moon said on Saturday 24 January 2004

Obviously mIrc is still the main base for scripts such as nnScript. I\'m using nn myself and I would rather use mIrc itself than another script. It\'s surprising how many people actually use Trillian :/

xp~rasta said on Saturday 24 January 2004

how often do quakenet perform \'tests\' like this? :)

lallis said on Monday 26 January 2004

#12 and #37: There isn\'t any list with all the bots and what they do, but there aren\'t too many bots doing *real* things. L, Q, S, T, P, F, H, R and O should be all of them.

r3fl3x said on Monday 26 January 2004

Hehe, 4 times Snak? Where are my 3 BL-IRCs? ^^

bh44l said on Monday 26 January 2004

Khaled Mardam-Bey must be stopped!

loxx said on Monday 26 January 2004

Bah. Only 798 using Peace & Protection (0.50%). I\'m one of \'em! And it pwnz. NNScript is crap tbh.

ssmmdd said on Wednesday 28 January 2004

I\'m quite surprised not to see God-IRC, it is very much used, everyone i know uses it, and thats about nearly 100 people, and there must be even more ... FIXED :D

utpwnzit said on Thursday 29 January 2004

ssmmdd is right, NN script is crap, totally ugly layout, God-IRC is perfect for gamers, it has alot of nice features also, http://www.god-irc.tk and dl yours now !!! :D

utpwnzit said on Thursday 29 January 2004

what is the ctcp script version really CTCP SCRIPT VERSION? Or is it only regular CTCP VERSION and you ignore scripts you don\'t recognice?

zkilfing said on Friday 30 January 2004

@ #45 NN script is crap, totally ugly layout ?! look at the stats, that says everything! we don\'t need to advertise, so think about what you said grats fiRe / NNscript

fire said on Saturday 31 January 2004

i think like fiRe too, the result of the global ctcp says really eveything... . when god-irc is so good, why nobody is using it? and the \'ugly\' layout can be changed by using themes perpleXa / NNscript *g*

perplexa said on Saturday 31 January 2004

BitchX is da r0xx ;)

elijah said on Saturday 31 January 2004

nnscript roolz :)

is-one-of-many said on Sunday 01 February 2004

is Z still sending out these ctcp requests, if not when is the next bulk ctcp?

rider-- said on Monday 02 February 2004

@ssmmdd: I use Peace and Protection, too, but unfortunately no new version is available. Which version do you have or which version is the latest one?

whitestar99 said on Wednesday 04 February 2004


gums said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

gg =D CS RULz

gums said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

[INKING ALL TOGETHER] #23 #34 #36 #50 #53 nnscript rulez #43 #45 you can change that kind of layout damn it look here #29 #48 #30 khaled mardam bey would have earned more think about gamesnet smart-irc efnet etc. the servers are often used by people only idling there - i guess kaled mardam bey would have earned about 50 million pounds then ^^

lasereraser said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

well, i think we all use mirc. i once used the Gamers.IRC, i had the ocrana irc (its shit if you ask me) and now i have the noname script. its the best irc script i\'ve ever had

binky said on Wednesday 04 February 2004

nnscript rooxx da house ;)

uncle_benz said on Thursday 05 February 2004

get a life. play mud. :P

prkl- said on Friday 06 February 2004

\\o/ The number of people using my IRC Client (hydrairc - www.HydraIRC.com) is growing nicely ;)

{xpd}hydra said on Saturday 07 February 2004

nnscript \\o/

anger86 said on Wednesday 11 February 2004

fire the query system maker :)

sanderr said on Saturday 14 February 2004

its just a little stupid annoying script with no functions :p

fire said on Saturday 14 February 2004

can one download the Z service? dev-com please make it public ;)

anders1 said on Monday 16 February 2004

are there any further updates on applications Ferg on when service may be reinstated

nova_cs said on Wednesday 18 February 2004

don\'t see invision either, while I know a lot of ppl that use it ...

deathrow said on Monday 23 February 2004


evildonkey said on Monday 23 February 2004

I use windows and linux, and hence mirc(no script) and irssi. Depending on when I was versioned would alter the results. I prefer irssi, but have been spending more time with mirc lately becuase i needed to run windows software for school. I think things like this have been happening a lot.

mrbob said on Sunday 29 February 2004

lofl from what i see- god-irc rips NN Script a bit????

mc-sk8r said on Friday 05 March 2004

I think that, by default, eggdrop will only reply to CTCP requests targetted at it, or a channel it\'s on. Z sent a CTCP version to $* (all users), afaik, and eggdrop won\'t reply to that without some kind of script, which explains the extremely low number of eggdrops reported.

md87 said on Friday 05 March 2004

weeeeeee we are 50 to use HydraIRC :> soon we ll be 160000 (in 1 or 2 weeks i think)

{roa}chris said on Tuesday 09 March 2004


}efw{5n41p3r said on Saturday 13 March 2004

vart kan jag hitta olika script till mirc??? have ha nice day

ix10n said on Tuesday 11 May 2004

Hello all

zluu said on Thursday 03 June 2004


prz said on Sunday 06 June 2004

agstdayuhsgfdyhfsadwayfgdasfduyfqtfguadskadgkaskdgasjgkdhsajdhsagdjgajsgdjgh BitchX is da r0xx ;) ausdyhsuayhduyghsagdgggysauodwqtdghushadgojshdgaljjgdhasd``````````````````````````````````adasd asd asd```æß d,æ àß ,da``æß,a,asææßæ,``æßæ`æ``````ß``````````````

haci said on Saturday 26 June 2004

I think you should gather this stats on a quarterly basis, as it\'s quite interresting to see if there are any trends in the IRC client and bot marked.

far2fish said on Saturday 01 October 2005