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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New Server Trial

Posted by Ferg on Friday 12 March 2004

QuakeNet is currently trialling a new server based in The Netherlands.

Hosted by xs4all, the new server adds an extra 16000 user slots.

QuakeNet wishes to welcome xs4all into its organisation and hopes this sponsorship will prove to be mutually beneficial.

Please log in to post comments.

knolle said on Friday 12 March 2004

XS4LL rock, they do so much for gamers helping ClanBase and now Quakenet! Sign up with them Dutch people to show your appreciation :)

amrc said on Friday 12 March 2004

cool, welcome xs4all ;)

lonek said on Friday 12 March 2004

Hey, welcome !!! very nice :D

proark said on Friday 12 March 2004

hope to see silence here again soon :) i kind of miss him

lindgren_~ said on Saturday 13 March 2004

YAY! new server qnet might not be laggy now :)

boss007 said on Saturday 13 March 2004

Welcome xs4all :)

abdul said on Saturday 13 March 2004

cool, ye sounds good

k3n- said on Saturday 13 March 2004

yeah just connected, looks awesome

cokesmoker said on Saturday 13 March 2004


raz said on Saturday 13 March 2004

Real Cool That XS4ALL a server host. :D:D:D Already logged in :):):)

bombmail said on Saturday 13 March 2004

omfg hihi

paulor said on Saturday 13 March 2004

and where is the hungarian server? :`(

s~sys said on Saturday 13 March 2004

when i get the time I should try the it out :P

sephectja said on Saturday 13 March 2004

All my congratulations to mofo, and I hope xs4all will spend a good time with Quakenet. Good Luck

romano said on Saturday 13 March 2004

Welcome laddies :) Good luck!

dopeh said on Saturday 13 March 2004

very nice :D welcome ^^

fairer said on Sunday 14 March 2004

yeah much better ;) !!

whaa said on Sunday 14 March 2004

m00h, Welcome xs4all =)

saliver said on Sunday 14 March 2004

cool xs4all, another good cluster to connect, welcome.

vertical said on Sunday 14 March 2004


crux-- said on Sunday 14 March 2004

Very nice and lag free server! Thx!

cyberkef said on Sunday 14 March 2004

Welcome xs4all!

alftberg said on Monday 15 March 2004

Yeah, thats nice. Welcome xs4all. I hope it will be a stabil, fast server with only a little lag :)

doom_bringer said on Monday 15 March 2004

Nice, a Dutch server again :)

l4mpje said on Monday 15 March 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

predthor said on Monday 15 March 2004

Nice with another server, welcome and good luck! Who is oper for it?

r3fl3x said on Monday 15 March 2004

nice =)

nav1 said on Monday 15 March 2004

That\'s great! I also have XS4ALL as my provider :) I\'m very satisfied about them!! So I am very glad they are going to sponsor QuakeNet

t-x said on Monday 15 March 2004

XS4ALL is the best ISP i\'ve ever seen in the world of gaming. They are always involved in everything to make the world of gamers better.

mod-ghost said on Monday 15 March 2004

nice to see qnet got a new .nl server again =]

dinow said on Monday 15 March 2004

Nice with some new servers on Quakenet, after the recent de-linking of Gamesnet (BarrysWorld) :D! And of course welcome to XS4All :D!

kenman said on Tuesday 16 March 2004

Please keep this server :O saves my lots off lagg normaly 100ms and now 10ms! :) gg xs4all (NL) :)

baboon{nl} said on Tuesday 16 March 2004

COOL no more lag i hope...

l2cgod said on Tuesday 16 March 2004

nice !!! welcome xs4all @ qnet :) have a long stay with no lag.

marius said on Tuesday 16 March 2004

Quakenet can use some new stable servers

qpox said on Wednesday 17 March 2004

1st im dutch 2nd xs4all ownt 3th qnet ownt 4th this is 4 me a good advantage :P

xpltd said on Wednesday 17 March 2004

the dutchies own :D would be good to have a stable and closely located server :)

teddy{hw} said on Wednesday 17 March 2004

Damn I think HeatoN is gonna get sponsored by NLClothing , Heard rumours bout him designing for them http://www.nlclothing.com/

vensz said on Thursday 18 March 2004

Well... I hope... this thing will work!

meaneye said on Thursday 18 March 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

jbc said on Friday 19 March 2004

cant i delete my comment i was just testing if i could post with more than 500 charachters :)

jbc said on Friday 19 March 2004

nice :)

drblueman said on Friday 19 March 2004

gg xs4all :x

lactose said on Saturday 20 March 2004

nice by XS4ALL to host a QuakeNet Server :)

solheim said on Saturday 20 March 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

{blbh}licha~on said on Saturday 20 March 2004

w00t that just r0x... XS4ALL 4 EVA !!!!!

dakreen said on Saturday 20 March 2004

n1 :)

pawels said on Saturday 20 March 2004

Nice we got ourselfs a dutch server. 10 ms instead of 100 ms :D GG XS4all and Quakenet

f4a-colgang said on Saturday 20 March 2004

it doesnt work very good, the new server! i cant request L because everything is so SLOW! real bullshit!

cruiser-mete said on Sunday 21 March 2004

Thats not the new server who slows down or prevents the L request. There must be something else broken =/ As you can see that the login needs lots of time o_O

limu`-|zocken said on Sunday 21 March 2004

It\'s a very good server !

nabil said on Sunday 21 March 2004

Wee, we\'re growing again :)

jack said on Monday 22 March 2004

HELP-ME??? I have to find a channel to give up (#peon), if a irccorp could give me the owner and to transfer the bot Q on #clanBR

cc`luc1f3r said on Monday 22 March 2004

mIRC sux then you die !

|16bit| said on Wednesday 24 March 2004

finally a new NL server, i got sick of those laggy UK and SE servers i always got connected to :S ty xs4all :)

{wsp}mephisto said on Thursday 25 March 2004

cool sounds good

capacity said on Sunday 28 March 2004

Although the Dutch Language sounds like a throat illness, I want to welcome XS4ALL. I also have profit of the services of XS4ALL, even in Germany

ucn|delirium said on Friday 02 April 2004

Did they make they trial ? I heard xs4all is teh pwn with snipah ;)

sgtstrider said on Sunday 04 April 2004


dann said on Tuesday 13 April 2004

nice :) come on ! now xs4all rocks :D ____ #dutch-force

collapse said on Tuesday 13 April 2004

Andvänder them ircd for build QuakeNet server or what andvänder them anyone that know always najs set up a QuakeNet server on its 10/100 mbit rope. ;))

topher said on Sunday 18 April 2004

very nice , mabe it helps this panick of not connecting bacause of no free user slots :) :) gl hf :)

weedex said on Monday 19 April 2004

kewl that will help but y does xs4all.nl.quakenet.org net rider keep kicking people as it does get a lil annoying :)

{shite}evil-d said on Monday 19 April 2004

* Connecting to irc.quakenet.org (6667) - -irc.quakenet.org- *** Looking up your hostname - -irc.quakenet.org- *** Checking Ident - -irc.quakenet.org- *** Found your hostname - -irc.quakenet.org- *** No ident response - You are infected with a trojan, please clean your PC. - Closing Link: nRg-^ by xs4all.nl.quakenet.org (G-lined)..plz help me...i haven t got trojans..i don t understand why.. :(

powerfull said on Monday 26 April 2004


chx said on Tuesday 04 May 2004

#66 1. Are you sure 2. You may have a program that uses a common trojan port to listen. 3. Make sure you have an up to date virus scanner 4. Worked fine for me (not the best pings since im in the uk :P)

sephectja said on Friday 07 May 2004

wow very nice, this server is best tbh!!! :D

synthx- said on Tuesday 25 May 2004


l1am said on Monday 07 June 2004

Ah the dutch... If it ain\'t dutch, it ain\'t much!

kreated said on Sunday 13 June 2004