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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New Q features

Posted by magpie on Wednesday 09 June 2004

Several new features have been added to Q in recent days:

  • The REQUESTOWNER command.
  • The RECOVER command.
  • Statistics at the end of the CHANLEV command.

The REQUESTOWNER command allows you to request ownership of a channel on which there are no owners. If there are channel masters present you must also be a master, otherwise you need only operator privileges on the channel. To request ownership, type: /msg Q REQUESTOWNER #channel.

The RECOVER command is similar to L's RECOVER command, in that it is used to reclaim your channel in the event of a takeover. Not only does it perform a DEOPALL, UNBANALL and CLEARCHAN, it also removes any permanent bans or +b CHANLEVs that may prevent you from entering. To recover your channel, simply type: /msg Q RECOVER #channel.

Finally, the CHANLEV command now gives a summary of the number of owners, masters, operator and so on, that have flags on a channel. For example: -Q- Total: 4 (owner: 1, master: 0, op: 3, voice: 0, ban: 0).


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Nice that some useful features were added. Now I\'m going to hope that Q9 will be completed soon. :)

nav1 said on Wednesday 09 June 2004

I want the Q of the Qnet testnetwork couple months ago :p it has lots of more functions like greetings etc... btw is the requestowner also for L ?

fst said on Wednesday 09 June 2004

L usually leaves if no owners are present in the chanlev, so I don\'t think that feature would get added...

desolate said on Wednesday 09 June 2004

#3, FST, keep in mind that a Q with more features uses more resources and we don\'t have unlimited resources. Q has to do its work in many channels, so we have to keep its features limited, more or less.

voronoi said on Thursday 10 June 2004

looking gd, well played Qnet

paulor said on Thursday 10 June 2004

nice nice :)

frone said on Thursday 10 June 2004

This is nice. But, I\'m more interested of Q9... =) I hope you will release O/Q (latest versions) as GPL, so we can use it too. Thank you for this great network =)

anders1 said on Thursday 10 June 2004

Just nice Qnet - great job. and just one qustion. Will it be possible for you to \"lower\" limit for S from 120 idlers to around 100 idlers?

viras|cl said on Thursday 10 June 2004

This /msg Q REQUESTOWNER : is this JUST for requesting Q or can I request L too? Because I need l on a channel.. :)

zas-hero said on Thursday 10 June 2004

#10: If you actually read the post, you\'ll see that the REQUESTOWNER commands is to request ownership on an ownerless channel, i.e. one on which an owner has lost +n CHANLEV. If you actually need to request a new service bot, you should consult the L and Q FAQs to the left of your screen.

magpie said on Thursday 10 June 2004

Good job :)

jack said on Thursday 10 June 2004

aye, GJ! tho \"Finally, the CHANLEV command now gives a summary of the number of owners, masters, operator and so on, that have flags on a channel. For example: -Q- Total: 4 (owner: 1, master: 0, op: 3, voice: 0, ban: 0).\" has been about for quite a while now, bit of a late news post :(

bsd2 said on Thursday 10 June 2004

#13, bsd2, a newspost for every minor change would be a bit much. This is more like a small update of things that happened fairly recently.

voronoi said on Thursday 10 June 2004

not like we ever get news reports anyway, nowt wrong with some small ones, other networks do it (dalnet etc)

bsd2 said on Thursday 10 June 2004

Will the Q source ever be released again at dev-com or somewhere? I would want it but it seems quakenet stopped liking the world of open source. Greetings CG

cg1987 said on Thursday 10 June 2004

well done... =)

saeed said on Thursday 10 June 2004

Please, enable Q moving instead of updating Q !

_striker_ said on Friday 11 June 2004

whats the use in Q moving ffs, just request it ot the new channel, q moving would work same as a new request, you\'d need the same number of people for same time etc ...

bsd2 said on Friday 11 June 2004

#18: Excellent idea! Lets halt all development work on QuakeNet until you\'re able to move Q.

magpie said on Friday 11 June 2004

#19: Better up, remove Q from all channels without enough average idlers. If you don\'t have 50 idlers all the time you don\'t need Q. That\'s it.

r3fl3x said on Friday 11 June 2004

I have to remind you that this is not the place to discuss Q moves, you may only discuss the new post but nothing else.

jack said on Friday 11 June 2004

aye #21 agreed, probably 70% of channel with Q dont have an average of 50 users now, i can tell this by the ammount of \"idle deal\" spam i get in my hosting company channel (and number of bans), yer when they get a Q, the chan number goes down to like 20 lol!

bsd2 said on Friday 11 June 2004

hi, i have a little question; if there is a guy on the chanlev with +n and hasnt auth for 40 days, will i get +n when i requestowner (and have +m)? or must the auth be deleted? where i have to send my mail in this case, info@quakenet.org? thanks and best regards, hoo

me said on Friday 11 June 2004

You have to wait for their account to be removed at the next database cleanup (could be in a day or a week or a month). Then you can use the REQUESTOWNER command to get +n

salteh said on Friday 11 June 2004

Nice features you added :) I think another great feature would be to have an \"UNBANME\" command as sometimes people just want to clear the bans on themselves instead of clearing the whole banlist of the channel I encoutered problems with Q when inviting myself to a channel where I was banned ( just for a test ) and Q kicked me after I rejoined the channel. Inviting myself to a L channel is working properly as L doesnt kick banned users.

m1racle said on Friday 11 June 2004

#26 /Msg Q BANDEL #channel num/host works just as good as your suggested unbanme though it would be handy for some other cases/people. Nice commands added btw, i like the chanlev summary :)

hoggeh said on Saturday 12 June 2004

#26 If you already got +o in a channel, you can use the /msg Q invite #channel function to enter the channel, and then remove the ban from youself.

tenzer said on Saturday 12 June 2004

#28: No you can\'t, as Q reapplies bans that people join through, and then kicks the user. The use of BANDEL is the correct method to re-enter the channel.

magpie said on Saturday 12 June 2004

You should hide the Qwhois first, instead of updating Q ... There are too much traders on this network ...

syrnoss said on Saturday 12 June 2004

Hehe nice works!

nkie-bot said on Saturday 12 June 2004

I agree with #30. Make the WHOIS command like L\'s. Just shows channels you have in common with .

r3fl3x said on Sunday 13 June 2004

very nice guys

trs said on Sunday 13 June 2004

thanks quakenet for all that you do!

{eagle}leader said on Monday 14 June 2004

#30, isn\'t hiding the Q-whois a way of updating the bot? Anyway, this feature is added in Q9 afaik, so let us be a little more patient (:

dopeh said on Monday 14 June 2004

the bandel command can only be used by channel masters / owners. that is why i think some \"unbanme\" command would be quite handy

m1racle said on Tuesday 15 June 2004

You can always use UNBANALL, which removes all temporary bans in the chan.

desolate said on Tuesday 15 June 2004

as #30 said, i would be very happy if there was an update making Qwhois like Lwhois.

{eagle}leader said on Tuesday 15 June 2004

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

h3nppa said on Wednesday 16 June 2004

magpie when Quakenet staff will re-enable Q moving ?, if yes, Q moving will be enable with R ?

qnet-love-me said on Wednesday 16 June 2004

First there was a bug in REQUESTOWNER which i discovered :D But magpie fixed it fortunately! :) GJ Qnet :D

floristh said on Wednesday 16 June 2004

Well done!

chrisi1 said on Wednesday 16 June 2004

It\'s nice to have that ;) Now I just wondering, what is \"dbuf_put fail\" - I\'ve seen a lot of users quit today with the reason.

sonyboy said on Thursday 17 June 2004

#43: It means that the server runs out of memory.

r3fl3x said on Thursday 17 June 2004

Hide Q Whois and everything will be ok!

bar said on Thursday 17 June 2004

#40: We\'re unlikely to enable Q moving with R. To move a Q you\'d need to meet the requirements to have Q in the new channel. If you meet the requirements, then the normal request mechanism works.

paul said on Thursday 17 June 2004

Ohhh... /msg Q REQUESTOWNER #sk doesn\'t work !! Hmm :x

sgtstrider said on Friday 18 June 2004


javi said on Friday 18 June 2004

The new Q features are nice, two thumbs up. It\'s nice to see new Q features added while Q9 is still being developed. If I could wish upon a star I might ask for the ability to move Q (as one was able to do some time ago), but I realize it\'s not a high priority and probably won\'t happen (and I also realize it would probably be impossible to do the old fashioned way, i.e. \"manually\" by an ircop, because the network has grown so much). Anyway, thank you and keep up the good work.

mictian said on Saturday 19 June 2004

Well done QNet. But a chanlev statistic would be also interesting for L.

theben said on Saturday 19 June 2004

Requestowner feature is great and it reduces the amount of clients in #feds who attempt to request ownership on channels where no owner flagged Q auths exist.

vertical said on Saturday 19 June 2004

is all this a reason why I cant get L-Bot ?

sodabrus said on Monday 21 June 2004

[00:45:29] -Q- You are not known on #SI and thus cannot request ownership.

silep said on Saturday 26 June 2004

you should think about upping the Q average-idler limit to 150 or something, and remove it from channels without that limit.. it will solve a lot of problems and only channels that NEED it get it. + put +b flag on L and NOONE will want Q again i assure you;) ..*waits for Q9*

{cex}death_ray said on Saturday 26 June 2004

#54 not really because every channel owner, even if they only have 2 regular users in the channel, believe they NEED Q. All that would do would be adding the channels who actually do need Q to the list who advertise for idlers.

specceh said on Saturday 10 July 2004

#54 i don\'t think putting +b in L is possible without greatly increasing the state that L stores iirc L doesn\'t store anything about a user until they are authed

plugwash said on Tuesday 20 July 2004

>Q< REQUESTOWNER #sammiview -Q- Couldn\'t find that channel. -Q- /msg Q REQUESTOWNER Any advice? No matter whether or not I request ownership with Q or L, I get the same response.. What am I doing wrong?

sammivixen said on Sunday 29 August 2004