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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Changes to #feds

Posted by meeb on Sunday 13 February 2005

We are currently trialing a new system for user support in #feds.

Users with QuakeNet related problems may now join #help for ALL support requests. If the helper believes that you require further support from a QuakeNet operator, he will issue you with a ticket in the G service that will enable you to invite yourself to #feds at any point during a 2 day window, or until your problem and ticket are resolved.

If you are given a ticket to join #feds, you may do so using /msg G INVITE

feds. G will then issue you an invite to the channel, enabling you to /join

feds. G will notify you via query if you are given a ticket.

feds will be invite only during this trialing period, and only users authed

to Q will be eligible for tickets.

If the trial proves successful, this system will remain in place of the old one, and FAQs will be updated accordingly with instructions on how to receive help. For the time being, during this trial period, they will reflect the old system.

If you experience any anomalies in this system, software bugs or otherwise, e-mail deckard@quakenet.org and include all relevant details and descriptions (what you were doing, when it occurred).

Please log in to post comments.
This is long overdue. But a good move, thumbs up.

themoreland said on Sunday 13 February 2005

Hehe, let\'s see if this solves the endless waiting lines. :)

Infernius said on Sunday 13 February 2005

#3: I hope it will, at least it will stop pointless questions in #feds.

Jack said on Sunday 13 February 2005

hm this will increase the stupid and lame questions in #help !

Sniper_Jey^UT said on Sunday 13 February 2005

nice news

minou said on Monday 14 February 2005

Sounds ok, but will it solve the problem of the opers in #feds never being active?

Dataforce said on Monday 14 February 2005

btw where is the forum ?

ratac said on Monday 14 February 2005

Yeah, in my opinion, its a first step on the long and hard way to increase the network- and user-support, quakenet has currently problems to give. Nice work

Doomie said on Monday 14 February 2005

I think this is a great move :) well done.

paulor said on Monday 14 February 2005

Are you going to update the various server MOTD\'s? Most of them still direct people to #feds

laser said on Monday 14 February 2005

I think its a great move, indeed. Hope it proves successfull. Go Qnet!

dopeh said on Monday 14 February 2005

gr8 work Qnet looing forward to a more clear feds and no more pointless spam on #feds :D

[DRA]PsYchO said on Monday 14 February 2005

I Think this is not a good reason... -.-

koksi said on Monday 14 February 2005

nice work! I hope opers now have more time for solving \"real\" problems and not answering question that are in the faqs.

cfreak202 said on Monday 14 February 2005

Working nicely already :)

amrc said on Monday 14 February 2005

Nice work! Now the next thing to do is get more helpers :)

nahkiss said on Monday 14 February 2005

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

stfu-alta said on Tuesday 15 February 2005

Theres a little problem. I\'m Qbanned in #Help. Reason: I helped people, then Helpy went mad.. And boom, I got Qbanned :o. So If I need theses days, i just rtfm :\\

Munk3N said on Wednesday 16 February 2005

It\'s a really good idea. Good luck with it..

Chosen0ne said on Wednesday 16 February 2005

#19 : I was also, i hope they\'ll clear the Q ban list of #help sometime, because i was hacked, they got me banned in various places, my chan got taken etc, and an ircop sorted it. #11 : It\'s a trial system, if it doesn\'t seem good, it would take ages to change MOTD\'s back and waste time. #8 :I think the forum was shutdown, as the opers want everyone to use IRC, i think slug was head of forums..so he could comment. nice changes also btw.

calum said on Wednesday 16 February 2005

I can\'t join #help: I\'m banned from this chan, don\'t know why... :(

ruliane said on Thursday 17 February 2005

I just got in contact with the new system as I needed help with a trust. I have to say: Good Work !!! The ircops in #feds really seem to have less work with non-sense questions. And when I said that I need help for a trust in #help I got a ticket immediatly. You should keep the new system - it makes #feds more effective for users who REALLY have a problem requiring an IRC Operator.

uopholgi said on Thursday 17 February 2005

nice work quakenet! thumbs up! it was really time for that, but it\'s never too late. it seems to work and i hope feds is gonna become a more effective operator support channel than it was in the past without unnecessarily questions.

openeye said on Saturday 19 February 2005

I\'m looking forward to seeing this new system in place. the #help guys are really sound, but when i do need help with my trust, its nice to know that there arent going to be a load of people asking silly questions like \'how do i make a channel?\'... RTFM! :D

dervey said on Sunday 20 February 2005

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

Teh-Gobblins said on Sunday 20 February 2005

it would also help if the opers in #feds were more active, the nuber of times ive been in there and out of all the opers, i have to wait for like 1 to 2 hours before one even speaks, menwhile you get kicked for wating for them :/

azman said on Thursday 24 February 2005

You don\'t get kicked now in #feds since the ticket system was introduced. You can stay there until your problem is resolved.

salteh said on Thursday 24 February 2005

I wanted to report a channel takeover, but didnt get any response :( Guess it dont really work :(

dddPSY said on Sunday 27 February 2005

Your request probably got stuck in the bullshit filter. We clean it on Wednesdays.

Deckard said on Tuesday 01 March 2005

So much for the posting rules: \"Dont be rude.\" :)

Mentality said on Friday 04 March 2005

deckard\'s email in the bugparagraph lets it sound like \"well, you CAN post us any bugsubmission, but it\'s rather likely that you WILL have MORE bugs afterwards, so don\'t!\" ;)

ningo said on Saturday 12 March 2005

ITs fun to hear you did this to #feds, because I hated that older system, maybe this works better. Ill hope so. Good luck.. \"thumps up\"

fgeeeek said on Monday 14 March 2005

very nice! I suggested this system years ago ;)

[EF]BUCKMAN said on Thursday 24 March 2005

Ok, another step to a supportless 200k user network. I don\'t want to be rude but this system is only indroduced to help opers not to do something and be more lazy as they already were. But as you never got any help in #feds, it doesn\'t matter to put it invite only. Either you need more opers or just a better help system. It\'s clear that you can\'t support ~ 200k users, but you need to find a way to support at least a couple of them as gamesurge can manage this too.

nox said on Thursday 24 March 2005

We are supporting most of our users in #help, #help.script and #advice. These channels are mostly handled by non-opered staff. As for the opers, they have no obligation whatsoever to handle user support. They have other duties. If some of them offer to help the support groups, that\'s a different matter. regarding what you said about lamesurge, it\'s the worst comparison ever made. They have 40.000 users, and we have almost 250.000.

Abdul said on Thursday 24 March 2005

Hmm.. great idea :) If you really need an IRCOP, you will get one faster. But I think it would be great to provide addiotional support using a forum or a wiki.

ts_tequila said on Friday 25 March 2005

Yeah very cool temporary system. I\'m getting banned for reporting an illegal advertisement of commercial IRC-Bouncer lottery and disposal. Very good!

panni said on Sunday 03 April 2005

Just a quick reminder / tip. The searchbox to the left also search thru all FAQs. English texts.

softis said on Monday 11 April 2005

The idea of the ticketsystem is not bad. But lately I had a problem with a trust and went in #help and with the ticket in #feds. But the only help I became in #feds was \"Ask for a new one!\" (Our trust was cancelled 5 days before the end of the 1 year trust without any reason.) That\'s not very helpfull, because a new trustrequest seems to need more than two weeks :( If that is the only help I can get in #feds and #help, than there is no need of this chans!

[EM]PigPen said on Monday 18 April 2005

Great work! I tested it on Sunday - my trust changes were done in 30 minutes (including visit in #help for a ticket). The time(s) before i normaly spent about one week waiting/idling/rejoining for an operator.

cfreak202 said on Wednesday 20 April 2005

Much better...congrats.

plutosky said on Monday 25 April 2005

The idea itself is good, the implementation could be better tho.. When #help doesn\'t want to help you or doesn\'t see the need too, or even worse, you are banned there for whatever reason, you have no other way to contact for example an irc operator about issues other than trust requests. All other methods of communication seem to have been shot, the forum, a public #feds, e-mail support. QuakeNet is closing down, which is a pity.

soczol said on Thursday 14 July 2005

i think that is not a good idea. -.-

flash1976 said on Sunday 17 July 2005

A good idea, BUT.... what if you get g-lined and can\'t even join Quakenet? Why I ask? Well cuz me and some more ppl I\'ve talked to got g-lined during the night between sunday and monday. Reason: trojan channel! WTF is that? And how long will I be banned? not enjoying this at all, I know for a fact i have done NOTHING wrong...

deadly][-elit-] said on Tuesday 30 August 2005

I think #feds is a good Idea ;)

atomjan said on Tuesday 18 October 2005

My eperience with that \"new\" system: Join #help, ask a question, now one answers, get banned for \"idling\". Nice work, boys! This is the best way no to do any support at all. Btw, i\'ve tried it several time...

derFab said on Sunday 06 November 2005

i went to help to try and get a ticket yet i was told no yet help could not help me. Maybe u could try make it a bit easyer to get a ticket.

The4thPlace said on Thursday 18 May 2006