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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Asuka 1.2.1 Released

Posted by magpie on Sunday 20 February 2005

Asuka 1.2.1, the next version of the QuakeNet IRCd, was officially released this evening; consisting of a series of patches to Undernet's IRCd (ircu v2.10.11.07). A range of new features are added in this patch (all existing Asuka features remain):

  1. CIDR channel bans.
  2. All newly created channels will have channel modes +ntCN set automatically.
  3. User mode +R now blocks invites.
  4. Channel mode +c blocks all control characters.
  5. Users connecting to the IRC server will have user mode +i applied automatically.
  6. Channel services will always display a PART message (even with channel mode +u set).
  7. G-Line reason will be displayed when attempting to join a G-Lined channel.
  8. USERIP will return (as will WHOX) for all users other than you.

Servers will be gradually upgraded over the next two weeks, before the whole network is fully updated. The latest Asuka package is available from the Development Team website.

Please log in to post comments.

Great! I\'ve been waiting for those CIDR channel bans... :)

anders1 said on Sunday 20 February 2005

wha\'s CIDR channel bans? :)

qwerty said on Sunday 20 February 2005

#3: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR

Jack said on Sunday 20 February 2005

Great. Especially point 4. Really awaited that :D Thanks and greetings to the Dev team Christian S.

EvilKing said on Sunday 20 February 2005

Can someone explain me the reason of 8? The other changes are cool. Especially the CIDR thing. Greaet work.

Doomie said on Sunday 20 February 2005

yeah, that\'s really nice work! Keep up the good work guys!

beerman said on Sunday 20 February 2005

Loving it.. especially CIDR support for channel bans rock on Quakenet!

SD said on Monday 21 February 2005

All those changes are excellent, especially the automatic modes feature and CIDR banning. Keep up the excellent work.

Cruicky said on Monday 21 February 2005

Thank you so much for the +c update, many of us have needed it for so long on busy channels.

ganjaman said on Monday 21 February 2005

great work dev-team :)

c1b said on Monday 21 February 2005

Great work ;>

mR-ShaD said on Monday 21 February 2005

The +c update sucks IMHO. How am I supposed to disallow those annoying colors now without losing the ability to use bold or underlined text?

Wormbo said on Monday 21 February 2005

YEAH nice one! Quakenet we love you! :D

J3ns said on Monday 21 February 2005

#13: That\'s an useless comment imo. If you want bold etc, mode -c. If you don\'t want any useless control codes, mode +c.

Anders1 said on Monday 21 February 2005

+R = fine +c = shit CIDR = fine +ntCN = fine +u = shit +i = shit Gline reason : fine user IP = fine that is my comment :) have a nice day

koksi said on Monday 21 February 2005

Have the glines been removed or something, cause some guy who was glined is now online on the same address.

pc-001 said on Monday 21 February 2005

Nice work! Hope there will be a FAQ-update...

EierzangE said on Monday 21 February 2005

Nice, while /names won\'t have any usage anymore though

VerTiCaL said on Monday 21 February 2005

#19: Wrong. You wouldn\'t have any nicklist without /names. :)

r3Fl3X said on Monday 21 February 2005

And by the way, nice work QuakeNet!

r3Fl3X said on Monday 21 February 2005


ratac said on Monday 21 February 2005

Good to see there\'s an upgrade again. Don\'t know the idea about hiding the USERIP/WHOX ip reply tho, used to be nice for country lookups etc.

soczol said on Monday 21 February 2005

Still missing IPv6-support, too bad. :/

networkz said on Monday 21 February 2005


seta- said on Monday 21 February 2005

\"That\'s an useless comment imo. If you want bold etc, mode -c. If you don\'t want any useless control codes, mode +c.\" I want bold/underlined but not colors, what\'s so hard to understand about that?

Wormbo said on Tuesday 22 February 2005

As someone said already, what if I want to use bold/italics but not colors ? :| Maybe there should be a letter that will block only colors. I\'d like that, and surely many others.

Jarzki said on Tuesday 22 February 2005

Why do you want underline/reverse/bold anyway? It\'s as lame as colors. If you only want underline/reverse/bold, use a bot which bans people who uses colors. It feels like you are moaning because you *can* moan.

Anders1 said on Tuesday 22 February 2005

#28 I see where they are coming from. Bold/underline is lame if used in excessive amounts, but a simple one-word underline for emphasis is perfectly acceptable in most channels, but colours can be unacceptable even on one word in some. Personally I don\'t care, but I don\'t think they are moaning just for the sake of it. On the whole, looks like a good update :)

Mentality said on Tuesday 22 February 2005

#26 Noone cares about what you want. Simple.

rnd said on Wednesday 23 February 2005

Duly noted and (partially) added to my fork. Thanks, guys!

jast said on Wednesday 23 February 2005

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khaida said on Wednesday 23 February 2005

Got to love point 4. Been wishing for a way to disable all ctrl-modes for a long time now. Great gift for big channels, especially match-channels. The rest of the updates are also nice, without being really important things. GJ.

CheF^ said on Wednesday 23 February 2005

nice work, these changes were needed such a long time :) But the disabling of the /gline command sucks, it is unable for you to see now, how long you are g-lined...

Gerrit said on Wednesday 23 February 2005

give us ipv6 :)

elsn said on Thursday 24 February 2005

#35: QuakeNet\'s users aren\'t ready for IPv6 yet.

r3Fl3X said on Thursday 24 February 2005

mode nick +R whatz that? +c is cool :B

chrsthy said on Thursday 24 February 2005

#36, I think you\'d be stunned by the amount of people on Quakenet that are actually ready for IPv6, so I\'m a bit puzzled as to how you got your info on that matter. Thing is that IPv6 will be pretty much only used by german bouncer companies to provide even more fat cool vhosts for their sponsored eSports pro-lamers, and the whole \"we\'re running low on IP-addresses\"-circus will start over again eventually. Or not, but you get the point.

raz said on Thursday 24 February 2005

#35 & #24: IPv6 support is not available for ircu2.10.11.x yet and will be fully implemented in ircu2.10.12, which is currently being developed and is in some sort of alpha state. However, the asuka patchset will have to be ported to that ircu version as there are some \"incompatibilties\" between plain ircu and asuka. You will have to wait for IPv6 (and to be honest, it is everything but mandatory at the moment). I somehow tend to agree partially with #36 aswell.

skx said on Thursday 24 February 2005

Great update, neat features, keep them coming! I wonder however how much those CIDR bans are going to be used :-)

Sagittarius- said on Thursday 24 February 2005

#36 #39 In my opinion many users on Quakenet \"are ready\" for IPv6. Many users are on IRCnet too which uses IPv6 years ago. Asuka: all fibe ecxept userip and the disabled /gline command. Auto chanmodes dont work yet :)

groove-coverage said on Friday 25 February 2005

Update: not fibe but fine *sry* :)

groove-coverage said on Friday 25 February 2005

#41: Autochanmodes are working. You wont see it when the server set its. Maybe try a /mode #channel, so your client will recognize it. Or maybe you are just on an old server ;)

pickel said on Friday 25 February 2005

greet work

minou said on Friday 25 February 2005

IPv6 rewrite for asuka + all services: effort: >..........................................< reward: >.< until people start getting IPv6 only links it goes to the bottom of the TODO list.

Zarjazz said on Friday 25 February 2005

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

faNaticgoa said on Tuesday 01 March 2005

pretty nice =D

XotiC said on Thursday 03 March 2005

Channel mode +c blocks all control characters. Oh, that\'s sweet! I\'ve been dreaming about that update for months!

wanze said on Saturday 05 March 2005

every update is nice, except the dissabled /gline, it will probably be missed by some people

Dailfast said on Saturday 05 March 2005

All updates are good if you can use them, good job. But i think if quakenet users want IPv6, it has to be implemented. IPv6 is great thing, especialy it can be used when someone has dynamic IPv4 address. If it works on IRCnet, why it shouldn\'t be implemented here? I have one more comment, syntax of KICK command. It should be changed from /KICK #channel nick reason to /KICK #channel nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4 reason This will fix problems with advanced defensive bots such as Evangeline or

radziorski said on Friday 11 March 2005

#50: Are you aware of if they\'d change the syntax, takeover bots could also you use it? Would be much easier for takeovers to success in taking the channel over. And about IPv6, read Zarjazz\' replay.

r3Fl3X said on Friday 11 March 2005

#51: you can not touch a channel with Q or L, so channel can be easy secured, but Evangeline or psotnic bot for eg. have many modules and scripts that can make life a bit easier with sets such as +alimit against flooding channels with clones or +joinflood that bans host which is flooding channel with massjoins, i was looking to asuka sources, i\'m not shure now if KICK command must be rewrited or you can just set the number of forced to part sessions with KICK command

radziorski said on Saturday 12 March 2005

advanced channel owners will (should) realy apreciate this :)

radziorski said on Saturday 12 March 2005

#50, #51, #53: Did you understand what #51 (r3Fl3X) said? If you have that feature in Asuka, lamers will kick everybody in the channel using a few bots or so in one second. Even if you do have L or Q it\'s not very appreciated... There is a reason why you only can kick one person per line.

Anders1 said on Saturday 12 March 2005

~2: I would choice \"ntCNu\" as default channel modes. ~7: Nice one. But, here\'s my opinion about the style: #spam Cannot join channel (G-lined: no spamming on quakenet) Here, I would better like: #spam Cannot join channel (no spamming on quakenet) I see the \"G-lined:\"-text unuseable. You didn\'t add it to RAW 465 too, right? ;) Anyway, nice changes. :)

darkdevil said on Saturday 12 March 2005

#50: I agree #54, about it wouldnt be cool. That lamers would be able to kick more than one at a time. Which easily, on your suggestion, can cause lamers will destroy channels easier and faster. Well, everything has, a good point, and a bad point. This one is the bad point. That it can be abused to takeover attempts, to make all easier getting out of the channel. I agree, that multipile nick support for the KICK command, should stay off. :)

darkdevil said on Saturday 12 March 2005

Good work. Im really happy to get new features and some new things to do with my bot :) Thank you!

fgeeeek said on Monday 14 March 2005

#54 and #56 what if someone will flood your channel with clones? whitch lame mIRC script you will use to stop that? t/o is a fiction on quakenet, and you will only let someone do chan masskick if you give free ops on channel, you can set ofcourse +r on chan, but you will lose about 20% of channel population... this must be considered ASAP, syntax of kick command must be changed to 4 nicks! regards

radziorski said on Monday 14 March 2005

#58: What you are talking about are not *that* common. I\'d recommend you to use a moderated channel and voice everyone on join, then just devoice the lamers when they spam. You can devoice 6 users with one line!

r3Fl3X said on Tuesday 15 March 2005

#58 i am not talking about lamers, but about clones, what if you have to kick over 500 clones from channel? or if operators are away? who will keep the channel secured?

radziorski said on Tuesday 15 March 2005

#60: Hah. You talked about \"security bots\" yourself. You can use bots for both things :)

r3Fl3X said on Wednesday 16 March 2005

Is this why I havent been able to loginto Quakenet without a proxy lately?

GmAcacia said on Thursday 17 March 2005

salut tout le monde

milou said on Friday 18 March 2005

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CyrusTh3Virus said on Tuesday 22 March 2005

Indeed, great update!

toaster said on Thursday 24 March 2005

tip top :)

brks said on Friday 25 March 2005

Something like Channelmode +S should exists (strips all control codes by the server) - so everyone could send his colorcodes but they won\'t be displayed for the other users i really think this would be better then +c :)

Sephiroth said on Monday 28 March 2005

#67: Very bad idea. What about the CPU usage of the servers?

r3Fl3X said on Monday 28 March 2005

I want to ask if Quakenet as a Forum ?

bassi-ownt said on Wednesday 30 March 2005

Not anymore.

Abdul said on Wednesday 30 March 2005

The update has caused one or two issues for those of us who don\'t strictly follow the RFCs. But I guess that\'s what we get for being lazy eh. :) Nice one Quakenet.

Cheez said on Monday 04 April 2005

Cool, now my IP doesn\'t show everytime. Well done QuakeNet...

nerduk said on Saturday 09 April 2005

Why the mass g-linesm coud it be that the bot P Proxyscan now done is? It was beta short time ago.

asX-fickt-die said on Saturday 16 April 2005

Is the halfop mode planned? This could be pretty useful...

Medic said on Tuesday 19 April 2005

I still don\'t get the reason behind hiding the user\'s ip in WHOX? Because, when +x is set the user already has, and when it isn\'t set you can just resolve the hostname of the user?

soczol said on Tuesday 19 April 2005

#74: No. #75: There are several reasons, some internal.

Abdul said on Tuesday 19 April 2005

Channel mode +c blocks all control characters. That is a great feature. But other than color control characters should be set with another command. For example: I don\'t like colors it\'s annoying. But throwing in a bold word here and there wehn actually talking or separationg things in some lines is good. So there should be two settings for color and other control characters.

Stan64 said on Friday 22 April 2005

#77: You can emphasize something by using *asterisks* and _underlines_.

r3Fl3X said on Friday 22 April 2005

#78 Very funny. There are several comments about separation of those commands. And a good one that the servers filters control characters. And the underlines takes more space AND some ppl dislike the of underlines. I don\'t want people to look down on me. ;) Actually I\'m complaining because my mp3script brakes. And now it becomes very very messy. But a separation of that command would proove elpful for other means aswell.

Stan64 said on Friday 22 April 2005

i havent read all the comments, so maybe it\'s been answered already..but -> why +i and what does it do ? (other than \"/mode #chan +i\")

CTF-H04X said on Sunday 24 April 2005

#80: Channelmode +i (invite only) is not the same as usermode +i (invisible). Usermode +i hides you from /who and /names done outside a channel.

r3Fl3X said on Sunday 24 April 2005

Viva Asuka ^^

SeaDoG said on Thursday 28 April 2005

Great work - love the CIDR bans. Keep it up.

brks said on Monday 02 May 2005

a install introduction to Q, L, O with asuka would be nice. I was installing about 2-3 hours today, and only asuka works, Q breaks compillation with errors, L needs Q and O can\'t connect to asuka ;-) It\'s not easy, so a introduction would be nice. I\'m doing it for a LAN-Server. BTW: good work ;)

Zw3rg-N4s3 said on Sunday 15 May 2005

Zw3rg-N4s3: I believe the reason that Quakenet release things the way they do is to ensure that not anyone can set up an IRC network. O 2.36 compiles fine and connects to Asuka with no problems (for me), btw. People have released patched versions of Q which do compile too. Google is your friend.

laser said on Sunday 15 May 2005

#84 L doesn\'t need Q to compile. L just needs to recieve an \"AC auth\" before it will accept commands. It\'s quite easy to write a module for O that will do act as an authserv for L. People have done it in the past, and google can give you the links you need. Oh, and O2.36 works fine for me aswell :) /tln

darkstar said on Tuesday 17 May 2005

We have really big problems with a java applet (darkerIRC) now. Where is a changelog of all the changes of this new version? Everything worked fine bevor and there\'ve been NO changes in the applet.

commander_keen said on Friday 20 May 2005

description of problems: - applet seems to connect as usual - channel is joined by the applet (made sure with a mIRC client) - but channel name is missing in the tab of the applet! - applet-user does not see any other users of the channel (list _completely_ empty), but all other users see applet-user - neither does text of applet user appear in the channel, nor does text of other users appear in the applet - querying a user by command-line works just normal What changed and could cause

commander_keen said on Friday 20 May 2005

This isn\'t the place for obtaining support. Try one of our unofficial support channels (ie #advice).

Abdul said on Friday 20 May 2005

hu? #advice says it\'S NOT for quakenet and/or IRC! I tried #help noone can help me in there and I can\'t find anything relevant in a changelog included in the package (I can\'T even find changes for version 1.2.1 in there) which could be relevant for my problem. Something has to have changed...

commander_keen said on Saturday 21 May 2005

I can\'t conect quakenet because of this : Spam Bots (ID: 96bfffec) what can i do?

NokS said on Sunday 22 May 2005

#91 (NokS): Simply, there\'s nothing todo. It\'s a gline, and quakenet does not provide information about gline reasons or durations. And as Abdul said in #89, this is not the place for obtaining support.

DarkDeviL said on Monday 23 May 2005

And how does one go in #advice or #help when he\'s G-Lined? :)

Medic said on Friday 27 May 2005

#93: Sounds impossible, since you have to connect before you can join a channel. :) You, or who else \"He\" is, \"He\" have to wait until the gline expires. And since quakenet does not provide information about gline durations anymore, you can not get the expiry date.

DarkDeviL said on Wednesday 01 June 2005

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

noctum said on Wednesday 08 June 2005

K, im l33t =)

bigvito said on Thursday 09 June 2005


ChU7i said on Wednesday 06 July 2005

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sNickas said on Friday 22 July 2005

Well... How to download the new version?

zkreeem said on Sunday 31 July 2005

IPV6 not support.... BADDDDD !

fr0x said on Thursday 01 September 2005

I dislike the +c thing, i\'d more like to disable the annoying colors while bold and underline can still be used to format a text like news and stuff :(

mirage123 said on Wednesday 14 September 2005

How come banning doesn\'t work?

anders1 said on Friday 23 September 2005