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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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Tiscali cluster delinking

Posted by meeb on Thursday 29 September 2005

Due to Tiscali being bought by Tele2 who do not wish to continue working with QuakeNet, the Tiscali cluster is being delinked. The servers will be shut down on October 12th at around 4pm CEST.

For some months after the delink the hostname tiscali.dk.quakenet.org will still work, however we encourage users of that server to start using irc.dk.quakenet.org instead.

We are currently looking into working with another sponsor. More on that will be posted here when the time comes. Until then, have fun using QuakeNet.

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Shame. Hope you get a replacement soon

infernius said on Thursday 29 September 2005


Frone said on Thursday 29 September 2005

cheerio - looking forward to seeing who steps up to fill their boots!

brks said on Thursday 29 September 2005

sad to see tiscalie leaving

dakilla1 said on Friday 30 September 2005

Guess that leaves back just one of 3 Danish providers... Oh well. Thanks for the time being here.

i|avatar said on Saturday 01 October 2005

#6: no worries. I\'ll figure out something.

jasen said on Sunday 02 October 2005

Any idea why Tele2 drops the sponsorship ?

offtopic said on Sunday 02 October 2005

meeb is right tiscali shutdown good news :)

Nakaori said on Sunday 02 October 2005

One good thing is there: there are no more netsplitts with this servers :) how is the maximum/actual capacity of quakenet after this delink? :) /msg ^Winampbot^ pls

ferien said on Friday 07 October 2005

Maybe Boomtown / TDC will come. They are quite big.

draw said on Friday 07 October 2005

#11: Heh Boomtown did have a link with Quakenet. Then Boomtown de-linked and linked up with the old Gamesnet. And after a few months there, they de-linked and tried to take all the users from Gamesnet to their own new boomtown net. So dont coun\'t on ever seeing them here again ;)

BeBoo said on Monday 10 October 2005

Im gonna miss it.. :)

Indonesia said on Monday 10 October 2005

#10 : search before asking - http://www.staff.quakenet.org/index.phtml

dopeh said on Friday 14 October 2005

#11: And TDC is hosting 6930 users on EFnet :)

Snebold said on Sunday 16 October 2005

there is only one norwegian server at this time, that we know about. why not take in a new norwegian server? GameGuard is a company that gives you gameservers to the norwegian market. if QuakeNet ask us we will sponsor the QuakeNet network whit a server.. just ask.. if it\'s a prob..

moreddd said on Monday 17 October 2005

I think Quakenet staff won\'t ask you. You have to write a decent application and then maybe they will accept it :)

Petyyy said on Monday 17 October 2005

#17 have done that.. no replay at all.. :( jeje.....

moreddd said on Monday 17 October 2005

Another norwegian server wouldnt really compensate that much for losing a danish one. Also, I somehow doubt gameguards connectivity for running a server

eaze said on Wednesday 19 October 2005

no that is not what i\'m saying :) just that ther is only one norwegian server atm.. GameGuard is own by DataGuard, Dataguard is a leading internet provider of complete security and communication solutions to the company market. and provider to more then 29800 xdsl linjes so.. and the owner and provider of nopas (www.nopas.no) so.. it is the 5 leading ISP i norway so..

moreddd said on Friday 21 October 2005

too bad.... they always find a new way too provide....:D

GNUtazz said on Saturday 22 October 2005

It is said that QuakeNet would never allow a server link with economic interests

i|avatar said on Sunday 23 October 2005

#22 who speaks about money?

moreddd said on Monday 24 October 2005

You should all now have noticed that the server has been disconnected.

brks said on Tuesday 01 November 2005

For the record I can inform, that I am currently talking to TDC about linking a (some) server(s). It is likely that this will happen somewhere in the near future. In the meanwhile stay tuned.

jasen said on Wednesday 02 November 2005

Well what to say - they suck, they always sucked and will continue to suck - thats the outlines of that! Greatings to great work by all Qnet OP\'s and staff o/

Switzz said on Friday 04 November 2005

Tiscali is the worst operator & Tele2 nice to remove it, i think there is others which are better :)

Nakaori said on Wednesday 09 November 2005

the euroserv server is the best(i think so)... tiscali is to laggy

PC-World said on Thursday 10 November 2005

shame... i always liked tiscali serv. :/

|16bit| said on Wednesday 23 November 2005

i know im a bit late but. Nah nah nah nah. Nah nah nah nah. Hey heyyy hey. GoodBye.

Dave0 said on Saturday 14 January 2006