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Latest News

port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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New US Server Trial Link

Posted by Abdul on Thursday 16 February 2006

A new trial link has been approved. Please welcome our newest US server clanservers.nj.us.quakenet.org and its administrator, Davenpro.

The server is sponsored by Choopa Networks and is located in Jersey City, NJ, US.

Please log in to post comments.

Good luck! :-)

c1b said on Thursday 16 February 2006

Welcome to Quakenet! And Good Luck! Dont forget to drink your milk <3!

MadDMan said on Thursday 16 February 2006

nice, and good luck =)

suoaami said on Friday 17 February 2006

Welcome and good luck on quakenet.

N41l said on Friday 17 February 2006

Welcome to QuakeNet. Good luck!

Xurich said on Friday 17 February 2006

Welcome to QuakeNet

namerul said on Saturday 18 February 2006

Good Luck, p.s. is the V bot for a mass-statistic? :)

Ferien said on Saturday 18 February 2006

Good luck with the trial link :) @ #8: And how exactly is that related to the news?

BlackShroud said on Saturday 18 February 2006

Weee QuakeNet grows up again

blantek said on Saturday 18 February 2006

Welcome to teh mighty quakenet! :-)

mho said on Wednesday 22 February 2006


knubbze said on Thursday 23 February 2006


CostaNz said on Sunday 26 February 2006

Welcome to Quakenet, good luck =) hope you stay linked ;)

Tomtehora said on Tuesday 28 February 2006

it\'s not possible to have 1 big server for all mIRC user?

Basel1 said on Wednesday 01 March 2006

Hehe, no... that wouldn\'t really work no ;) Anyway, welcome Adam/Choopa

EaZe said on Wednesday 01 March 2006

Comment has been removed by QuakeNet staff

zaxX said on Wednesday 01 March 2006

#17: Thats not a good place to report such things. Just reinstall your mIRC and connect when G-line expire.

blantek said on Wednesday 01 March 2006

Good luck :)

DATJapan said on Monday 06 March 2006

#15: Due to how TCP/IP works, no. Number of available ports per host are limited to (in theory) 65535.

Ci-Dev said on Saturday 11 March 2006

#20: You\'re mixing up IRC clients and IRC servers, a server doesn\'t need any more than one port for communication with clients. Nevertheless, I think #15 has a great idea, let\'s do it yesterday. All mIRC user on a big server sounds awesome!

clausule said on Saturday 11 March 2006

One server might get ddossed easier.

ruutana said on Sunday 12 March 2006

#22: Awww, seriously? You haven\'t got a joke.

blantek said on Tuesday 14 March 2006

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wannabe-pro said on Sunday 19 March 2006

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dummy145 said on Wednesday 22 March 2006

and why arent there any DE server trials ? i do always see new ones from .no .uk or .se is there any reason ? btw, good luck !

Dorny said on Thursday 23 March 2006

This is the best QuakeNet server to ever been apart of QuakeNet in USA. It\'s the fasted and most reliable compaired to most other US/EU servers. As all others with connections from US/EU to both cause connection software abort or my favourate ping time out. I have had zero connection problems from my home in Canada or connections from dedicated server in Netherlands (yes that far). I\'m shocked that as of today, clanservers.nj.us.quakenet.org is nolonger online because today it drop

BWolf6 said on Monday 27 March 2006

#26: There probally hasn\'t been any new German servers added because there is either no need for it yet or there is no good candiates who have applied.

egg said on Sunday 02 April 2006

Good luck :)

Ye said on Monday 03 April 2006

good luck dude

nauii said on Tuesday 18 April 2006

Welcome to Quakenet ;) Hope you will stay as long as the old links

GH-Group said on Wednesday 19 April 2006

Good luck ;-)

Ex1t said on Wednesday 26 April 2006

waduh, si jelek item, kecil, idup lagi datang neh

ant1her0 said on Monday 08 May 2006

waduh... si jelek, item, kecil datang lagi neh..

ant1her0 said on Monday 08 May 2006