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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

QuakeNet staff wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for your continuing support!

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New server link

New Server stockholm.se.quakenet.org As of this week we are welcoming a new server to the game, its stockholm.se.quakenet.org kindly hosted by Sunet. While we are getting a new server, we are losing an old one. Since last week portlane.se.quakenet.org has ...

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QuakeNet Achievements! Bossbots!

Posted by meeb on Thursday 01 April 2010

We've been busy adding some awesome new features to many of our network services. First to be released is brand spanking new QuakeNet achievements! You now get awards for various activities on QuakeNet, and you get points for each achievement! If you're familiar with achievements in modern games, you'll know what we're on about. The new QuakeNet achievements are controlled by our lovely channel service, Q. Without further blabber, we've prepared a simple Q&A; to clarify:

What new commands does Q have for the achievements?
A: There are a total of four new commands:

/msg Q ACHIEVEMENTS [nick/#authname]

Lists your achievements, or those of another user (use nickor #auth as usual to see another user).

/msg Q ACHCOMPARE [nick/#authname] [nick/#authane]
Compare achievements between users. If you enter one nick or #auth it will compare their achievements with your own. If you enter two they will be compared.

/msg Q ACHCHANNEL #channel
List total achievement scores for users in a channel. This displays a sorted list showing who is doing best in your channel!

If you have been fortunate enough to unlock any titles, you can use the TITLE command to access the list and select which one you would like to use (or to turn off the title feature). There is a limit on how frequently TITLE can be used though - so be careful.

Q: How can I turn off achievements and titles? They are spammy and annoying!
A: We don't feel there is any value in allowing this feature, we firmly believe almost all of our users will appreciate obtaining achievements and being notified when they get a new achievement. If necessary you can ignore Q to avoid seeing the notifications. At QuakeNet we value the opinions of our users and will of course reconsider our position if this is seen as a serious problem.

Q: How do I get achievement [X]?
A: Finding out how to get achievements is part of the fun! The names are often a clue, or other users might be able to give you some help.

Q: I got some lame title I didn't want, but when I use */MSG Q TITLE 0 to turn it off I end up with [authname].users.quakenet.org instead of my cool vhost. WTF?*
A: Due to a technical limitation, when you disable your title your host will be set to the +x "hidden host". Simply reconnect to QuakeNet to show your vhost once more.

Q: I like to connect two users on my account but when I change title it affects both users. Can I arrange to use different titles on each one?
A: No, sorry. Title choice is an account-wide setting.

Q: How do I tell who the leetest people on the network are?
A: Head over to #achievements, where the top 10 achievement scores will be listed in the topic. This is also a great place to discuss achievements with other users. As a bonus, any noteworthy achievements you gain will be announced in the channel!

As well as the new QuakeNet achievements one of our resident WoW-heads, splidge, has found some time to drag himself away from Azeroth for a few hours to code a lovely new toy, bossbot! Bossbot simulates a WoW raid (if you have no idea what I'm going on about here you can probably skip this paragraph). You can team up with other users and take on the evil bossbot in

blackrockmountain. Remember to bring your mana potions.

We hope you like our upgrades to the network, and you have fun with our new achievements system!

Please log in to post comments.
april fools :D

dfnt-ecol said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

You are quite mean to those achievement whores :o

SoL|Starfox said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

April Fools!!!

KoYoTt said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

You have created chaos in #achievements and in #blackrockmountain

golf1052 said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

Worst april fools ever

Arcti1 said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

its not april fools

RA3OR said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

Are you serious with that?

fudu said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

Be careful testing arround and use common sense though. I just got too amazed testing arround to find new achievements and got auto g-lined 5 years (ID: 8ffe1710) which is pretty fun cause I locked myself out with my semi static IP, now. :| but I got like 370 points. And no they don't get lost when you reconnect. Anyway fix me plox. /me pokes meeb

EvilKing said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

cheers. now to check out the boss bot. this helps getting over the times when none of my friends are on and i got nothing better to do :)

EvilKing said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

That was great fun, thanks staff! :)

thommey said on Wednesday 31 March 2010

its spambot

jasa said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Is this just for a day or longer is this the new Q? it spams allot and it is really annoying -.- Is there a way to put the spam off in 1 chan?

jaenster said on Thursday 01 April 2010

I like the Q spam. Can I have more of it eventually? I demand the title of a gosu, too!

gzzzt said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Obvious april fool.

Sovereign said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Yeah, this makes fun.

Johannes13 said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Great \o/ (hope it's not April Fools because it seems fun)

NjhV2 said on Thursday 01 April 2010

nice one!

bz1k said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Worst thing ever. If i want to play i take a gamebot. But q should be for safity, service and things like that. not a spamming whatever.... Hopefully just an april fool......

noted said on Thursday 01 April 2010


MICHhimself said on Thursday 01 April 2010

aw.. couldve let us keep the titles, dudes ;) but yeah.. nice one.

Vv00t said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Well done! Hope next time the game is continued :-)

[BPC]Knobie said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Really good job with achievments :) 24hours of g33king like kids!

oc3an3 said on Thursday 01 April 2010

bad joke fun game :P hopefully this was some testing round ;D

BLiMeY1337 said on Thursday 01 April 2010

so much work for an april fool...nothing else to do? ;>

CrashLady said on Thursday 01 April 2010

I'm usually one of the asses not letting people know when they do good, but this time - good job QuakeNet. Pretty amazed about the effort you put into this. Good job, good job

i|Avatar said on Thursday 01 April 2010

thanks lads. was fun :)

zYkL0n said on Thursday 01 April 2010

lol u made us acting like idiots... thx :D

klappser said on Thursday 01 April 2010

"If you still want to access the achievements, use '/msg Q userflags +c'" --- Thank god some sense has prevailed. Well done Qnet team for adding this toggle/flag in. I've seen little but bitching and complaining about this achievement stuff all day.

SGR said on Thursday 01 April 2010

i find it useless

aboveandbeyond said on Thursday 01 April 2010

#blackrockmountain is the most awesome irc spam game I've ever played ;D And stuff is being developed for it too... We just got The Immortal with 1 human warrior, 1 human rogue, 1 warrior bot, 1 priest bot and 6 rogue bots :>

zeeZ said on Saturday 03 April 2010