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port80.se delink

port80.se.quakenet.org delinking. It is with great sadness that we must farewell port80.se from QuakeNet after nearly 20 years of service. Unfortunately the hardware problems they were experiencing could not be resolved, and so the decision to delink the server was ...

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Merry Xmas!

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New server link

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QuakeNet Achievements Update!

Posted by meeb on Friday 02 April 2010

Thanks for helping with our scheduled load test of Q, we couldn't have thought of a more efficient way to get you to spam! We've prepared another little Q&A; to help you in the aftermath of the achievements spam bloodbath.

Q: Where did my achievements and titles go?
A: APRIL FOOL! However, the achievements are still here, and will be forever! If you found the achievements fun and would like to continue to receive notifications and use the achievement commands, set the +c userflag and the +h chanflag to re-enable all the Q achievement fun.


The new USERFLAG +c re-enables all the achievement commands for your account. If you like the achievements, this is the flag for you!

/msg Q CHANFLAGS #channel +h
The new CHANFLAG +h makes Q announce any noteworthy achievements obtained by your channel members. You need to be a channel master or owner to set the CHANFLAG +h.

Q: That's nice, but how do I get my titles back?
A: Unfortunately it will not be possible to get your titles back. There is too much abuse potential with the multiple titles available.

Q: But I really want my titles back!
A: No. Sorry :(

Q: What about the scoreboard in #achievements?
A: The scoreboard, and everyone's achievements will still continue to work as normal. Pop into #achievements to see who's in the top 10!

Q: What about bossbot in #blackrockmountain?
A: This will continue to be available. There are no plans for further boss encounters at this time, though.

We hope you enjoyed the achievement insanity, and we would like to see as many of you as possible in #achievements still trying to obtain the remaining points :) See you next year!

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Good stuff. Thx to u guys :]

raven said on Thursday 01 April 2010

That's rocks ! Thanks to all dev ;)

oc3an3 said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Absolutely FANTASTIC guys, well done, really enjoyed this. So well planned, and not buggy at all, thanks alot guys.

Memlok-Staff said on Thursday 01 April 2010

ah, it was annoying me :P

Body said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Great Job, glad it went well... Hopefully the titles can come back later :)

Blerghh said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Surely the titles can remain, as they are at the moment i can see how it's a problem, but for example if you added the auth name to it then i don't see why it would be a problem. Such as myklol.and.their.feline.friend, myklol.likes.to.moo.with.the.fishes, myklol.is.king.of.the world ETC.

lolm8sk8 said on Thursday 01 April 2010

Really nice one.. And props to keeping Q up despite the huge amount of spam it'll have received. good work!

[RFI]PtPazuzu said on Friday 02 April 2010

Awesome, just awesome!

Ozafy said on Friday 02 April 2010

This was an funny experience. Legal spam on Q-Net Services ;-)

Stefaaan said on Friday 02 April 2010

I have to take my hat off to you guys, it was a lot of fun - the most fun I've had on Quakenet in 10 years. My opinion of Quakenet has shot up from "some IRC server host" to "total geniuses". I can tell someone must have put a lot of time and though into this and I have to say, thanks for the entertainment!

Delll said on Friday 02 April 2010

myklol: that would make it excessively too easy to circumvent bans.

badp said on Friday 02 April 2010

then limit the ammount you can change titles say once every 1/2 months then it wouldn't be so easy

lolm8sk8 said on Friday 02 April 2010

Great. I thoght that the titles have to go. As you sayed: To much abuse potential. Bad for those who had the "king of the world" title. But this makes it very easy for a banwalk. The messages from Q had to be gone, because it was on some channels just spam. Good idea with the chanflag and the userflag. And: nice 1st April fool :)

Johannes13 said on Saturday 03 April 2010

"Yo Dawg I heard you like games so I made a game for your gaming network so you can play a game while chatting about games!" :P

Kuni said on Sunday 04 April 2010

Ahaha. And I just wanted to rush over to #help because Q doesn't know the TITLE command :) Thanks for this nice feature!

cid said on Monday 05 April 2010

Yey. Finaly another userflag :p Nice things :)

jaenster said on Thursday 08 April 2010