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Delete a ban from a channel.


/msg Q BANDEL <#channel> <#num|banmask>


  • <#channel> - The channel the delete a ban from.
  • <#num|banmask> - The ban number (prefixed with hashtag (#)) or the ban mask to delete.

Additional info:

Delete a ban from the BANLIST. Using /msg Q BANLIST #channel will display a list with bans, sorted by ban number. You can delete bans by using their numbers and/or their hostmasks.

Another type of permanent ban is the CHANLEV +b flag. Removing the ban using the BANDEL command will not remove the +b (ban) flag, in which case you'll need to use the CHANLEV command, followed by removing the ban from the channel (if exists).


To use the BANDEL command to remove a channel ban you must have at least the op flag (+o) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
To use the BANDEL command to remove a permanent ban you must have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This will remove the first ban from the channel #channel:

`/msg Q BANDEL #channel #1`

This will remove the ban mask fishbot!*@* from the channel #channel:

`/msg Q BANDEL #channel fishbot!*@*`

Wrong usage:

Trying to remove a non-existing ban:

`/msg Q BANDEL #channel Q!*@*`  
`-Q- Can't find ban Q!*@* on #channel.`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/37

Other help articles under Q Commands