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Remove any bans on the channel which are overlapped by the named mask.


/msg Q UNBANMASK <#channel> <mask>


  • <#channel> - The channel to remove the bans from.
  • <mask> - The mask to remove matching bans of.

Additional info:

This command can remove both channel bans and registered bans set by the TEMPBAN command or the PERMBAN command.


To use the UNBANMASK command you must have at least the op flag (+o) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.
To use the UNBANMASK command to remove registered bans you must have at least the master flag (+m) in the CHANLEV list on the channel.


This command will remove all bans from channel #channel matching the mask *!*@*.com:

`/msg Q UNBANMASK #channel *!*@*.com`

See also:

This help article's short URL is http://quakenet.org/help/128

Other help articles under Q Commands